Chapter 9- dragon hearing

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Aprils POV
Me and natsu couldnt control ourselves around each other so we did it until our bodies physically couldnt anymore. After having sex more than ten times we eventually fell asleep holding eachothers naked bodies. Falling asleep while natsu envoloped me in his warmth was amazing.
I guess we slept in later than we planned  because i woke up to the sound of banging on our door, "april! Natsu! Wake up!" It sounded like juvia. "Come to the door! Everyone is worried about you guys!" Me and natsu smiled at eachother sweetly before i tried to get up. Like i said, i tried. As soon as i put my weight on my legs they fell out from under me. I wouldve hit the floor with a thump if natsu hadnt had caught me. "I dont think i can walk," i said as he held me in his arms. "April! I can hear you in there so come to the door!" Natsu winked at me and put me back on the bed before putting on his boxers and opening the door. Juvia gasped when she saw natsu standing there, i assume it was because of all the marks all over his body. "Wheres april?" Juvia asked him. Natsu smiled brightly before answering, "shes in bed if you want to come see her. She cant really walk right now." Juvias eyes went wide before she said, "no i just wanted to make sure you guys are okay. And to tell you that the entire hotel heard you last night." As i heard this my eyes went wide and a blush crept onto my face. Natsu left the door open for juvia to come in but turned around to walk inside. As he turned his back to juvia she gasped loudly, "oh natsu! Your back looks horrible!" Natsu faced her again before answering cheerfully, "that just means i did a good job!" Finally juvia came in and sat on the bed next to me. She looked me up and down before saying, "oh april, you have all these marks all over your body," i blushed and looked away from her but she just stood up and told us, "well guys, everyone is having lunch at the beach. Itd be great if you guys could meet us there!" Before walking out and closing our door. "So how are we gonna do this baby? I cant even stand up" natsu got onto the bed and crawled over to me, "tell me what you want to wear," he said as he laid his head on my stomach. He smells so amazing. Its not quite as strong as before but its just as intoxicating. "I guess those black shorts and a white tank top with my flip flops," as i answered him he got up and retrieved my clothes. While i struggled to get dressed he put on his clothes and then began helping me get dressed. Once i was dressed he lifted me bridal style, "ill take you there baby, dont worry" he said as he carried me out to the beach.

Gajeels POV
After salamander carried away april we all laughed for a moment before juvia spoke up, "well, too bad for us. Were on the same floor as those guys." Oh great. I hadnt even thought about how loud they would be. Me and levy swam for a bit before she wanted to go back to the room and read her book. we left the pool area and walked up the stairs to our floor. As soon as we left the stairwell and entered our hallway we heard it, "ah! Natsu!" Me and levy turned to eachother before laughing. As we walked to our room we saw loke and lucy standing outside of their door. "Well they sound like their having fun," lucy said jokingly. "No kidding," levy replied. "At least when i let gajeel mark me we went to a secluded area," as she spoke i felt my face heat up and i turned away. "Oh yeah gajeel? So levys yours now?" Loke asked me. "Of course she is,".
The next day we all decided to eat lunch on the beach together. I offered to go see if salamander and his girl were alright since we havent seen them at all today but juvia stood up before me, "ill go check on april," she said before leaving. When juvia came back she told me that they had marks all over them and april couldnt stand up. Typical. Two dragon slayers during april can get pretty rough. Soon enough salamander walked down the beach carrying april. "Hey guys!" He said as he smiled brightly, "sorry we kept you waiting," once he reached the blanket we were sitting on, natsu placed april down gently and kissed her forehead as he sat down. Finally lucy spoke up, "so it sounded like you two had fun last night," she said to april who just blushed before salamander replied, "yeah well, i try". Erza spoke next, "well you couldve kept it down a little more," when she said this jellal turned bright red. Finally mira began unpacking the sandwiches and said, "alright everybody, eat!".

Aprils POV
We all ate and talked for hours but eventually people began leaving. The only people left were me, natsu, gray, juvia, lucy, loke, erza, jellal, wendy, romeo and the exceeds. After a moment of silence lucy spoke up, "alright! Girl talk! You boys need to leave!" They looked shocked but began to get up, except for natsu, "no, im not leaving april" he said as he held my hand. "Baby its fine, ill holler if i need you. Go talk to the guys," i told him. Eventually natsu left too and the guys began walking down the beach. "So" lucy spoke, "tell us everything," "well.." Before i could speak carla stood up and said, "i dont think so! Wendy does not need to hear this!" I began to apologize and tell her that she was right but wendy spoke up, "actually i want to hear this! Ill know what to expect when im older," carla blushed a bit but didnt say anything else. Before i continued i asked wendy, "well is there anything in particular, you want to know?" Wendy blushed but finally she asked, "how did you know that natsu was your mate?" I thought for a moment before answering, "the night i met him his smell was intoxicating. But once april came around it was so much worse. Its almost like his smell is bringing out my deepest desires. Plus he makes me feel so happy and at home." As i finished my answer wendy blushed but erza asked, "why wendy? Do you know of someone whos smell intoxicates you?" Carla yelled again, "do not even think of asking her that!" But wendy answered, "maybe, but i just want to be close to him is all. Nothing dirty" carla looked shocked but juvia and lucy jumped up and down. "I bet i know who it is!" Juvia said excitedly. "Who do you think it is?" I asked her. Wendy looked at juvia waiting for a reply until juvia answered, "its romeo, isnt it!" Wendy blushed and looked down. "I knew it!" Lucy shouted. I came in close to wendy and put my hand on her shoulder, "its okay wendy. At least you know who your mate is before you lose control," she blushed a deeper shade of red but replied, "yeah i guess"

Natsus POV
I was walking down the beach with happy, loke, jellal, romeo and ice princess. I already missed april. I could smell her from down the beach but i needed to be closer to her. I could still hear their conversation though, "its romeo, isnt it!" That sounded like juvia. "I knew it!" Luce? Oh my god. Romeo is wendys mate? I was pulled out of my thoughts by happy, "ya know natsu, i kinda knew from the begining that april was your mate," i looked at him quizically before answering, "and howd you know that buddy?" He just laughed and said, "you held her hand the entire night!" I blushed and began to turn away but gray said, "you growled at me when i shook her hand so," finally i spoke up, "well hey! At least i admit when im into someone ice princess!" Happy began laughing with loke and romeo while jellal cut in "yes you are right, its takes guts to admit your true feelings," he spoke confidently. "Okay! You of all people, have no right to say that!" Gray yelled. "And why is that?" Jellal responded. Finally i couldnt help myself anymore so i chimed in, "yeah mr. I have a fianceé!" Jellal blushed before yelling back "that was one time! Im trying to make things right, so stop bringing it up!" All while happy, romeo and loke continued to laugh. "How are you making it right?" Loke finally asked. Jellal thought for a moment before answering, "it may not seem like it at the moment but i am trying to make our relationship better." Gray nodded his head and said, "same with me and juvia. She is just more... Difficult." No one said a word until romeo spoke up, "so you want to be with erza?" "Well...yeah." Jellal finally answered. No one talked for a long time, we just continued to walk down the beach. Eventually i spoke up, "you know i heard the girls talking about something a minute ago. I think you guys should hear it."

Aprils POV
Oh my god. Jellal loves erza. "So uh, wendy, can you hear the guys talking right now?" She looked at me quizically before answeing, "no not really, i guess my powers arent developed enough." I sighed before speaking again, "well i can hear everything and...natsu can too. Natsu told the guys about our conversation" wendy turned bright red and lucy was the first to speak, "he did? Why that little-" erza cut her off, "how dare he do such a-" this time i cut erza off, "well you see erza, thats why i dont feel bad telling you guys their conversation. It was about you and juvia" once i said this, i had everyones attention.

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