Chapter 13- fire and ice

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Flares POV
As me and lyon sat in this diner waiting for service i felt comfortable. This is more than ive felt ina long time. Finally a waitress came up to us and asked, "what can i get you lovebirds?" Me and lyon both were clearly taken off gaurd by that statement as lyon said, "oh no were not-" i cut him off mid sentence, "ill take a vanilla milkshake and a piece of that cheesecake," i aske politely. The waitress looked to lyon who answered, "ill also have a slice of the cheesecake," we began talking about our lives and how we ended up where we are today and i realized i may have alot in common with him. What are the chances this guys would actually like me? we talked for a few more moments before our food arrived and i noticed two straws in my milkshake. Lyon noticed too because for a moment we were both silent just looking at it until he said, "dont worry you dont have to share you-" once again i cut him off to speak, "i dont mind. You can have some " i pushed the milkshake towards him and he took a small sip before we began eating our cheese cake. As i took a sip of my milkshake lyon leaned his face real close to me and also took a sip from the other straw. As we sat there staring into eachother eyes drinkning the milkshake i got a brilliant idea. Slowly i out some cheescake on my finger and brought it up to his face before smearing it on his cheek. He looked at me dumbfounded for a moment until he did the same thing to me. Things got out of hand and we ended up getting kicked out because we started a large food fight, cakes and pies were flying around the diner and when we got kicked out we had pie all over ourselves. As we walked down the street we laughed but finally i spoke up, "you know lyon, that was really fun. Youre such a nice guy," lyon put his arms around my waist as we talked, "i had fun as well. I really enjoy your company flare," we continued to walk and he was still wrapped around my waist but as we approached the hotel i remembered. Shit i dont have anywhere to stay. As if reading my mind lyon spoke up, "i assume you need a place to stay?" He asked. I looked down sadly before replying, "yeah, i-i didnt really think this far ahead," he thought for a moment before answering, "well i have a room to myself so you could stay with me for the night. Stay, in his room with him? He must have noticed my hesitation because he spoke up before i could answer, "if you dont feel right i could call chelia and ask if you could-" for the third time tonight i cut him off again, "no its okay, id like to stay with you for the night," he looked shocked but eventually took my hand and lead me into the hotel. We got into the elevator he pressed the button for the first floor. In the elevator we stood close together and i could smell him all around me. God, what is this guys doing to me? As soon as the doors opened to the first floor we heard a surprising amount of moans from multiple rooms. As we stepped into the hallway they got louder with each step we took. "Yeah shrimp just like that," our faces got redder as we walked. "Yes! Laxus!" We walked even faster. "Fuck! Erza!" Right as we got to his hotel door we heard one final moan and this one i recognized, "oh yes! N-natsu!". Thankfully we couldnt hear any of the moans from inside his room. Once got in he stripped down to his boxers, "woah what are you- why?!?!" I asked paniced but he just replied, "oh dont worry im just gonna sleep in my boxers," he said this casually as if it was no big deal. This made me realize that i was still in my dress which would be uncomfotable to sleep in. Lyon got out a few blankets and pillows. He put a blanket down on the floor with a pillow before laying down on it. I looked at him shocked. Did he expect me to sleep in his bed? "Oh do you need a shirt to sleep in?" As he asked this he tossed me one of his tshirts. "Oh no just- i can sleep on the floor, you dont have to-" before i could finish talking he sat next to me on the bed and pressed his lips to my forehead. Hes kissing me. Although it wasnt on my lips i could still feel the coolness and softness of his lips. I mustve been blushing a deeper shade of red than my hair. Finally he moved back an inch and spoke, "i want you to be comfortable. So here-" he handed me his shirt again before continuing, "take this, and sleep in my bed tonight. No arguing, and Dont worry i wont sneak in while youre asleep," he got off the bed and laid down on the floor again before saying, "you can put the shirt on in the bathroom over there," he pointed to the bathroom and slowly and i got up and walked into it. When i walked into the bathroom i realized how drunk i was. I actually felt bad. He mustve felt bad for a poor drunk girl not able to sleep anywhere. I took off my dress and put it on the bathroom sink before washing my face. Finally i put on his shirt and as i did this i realized that his shirt came down to only right below my ass. I peaked out the door to see if he was awake before running to the bed and covering myself. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes but then i heard snoring. I leaned over the bed and saw lyons sleeping face. He was snoring lightly and it was actually kinda cute. I feel really bad for making him sleep on the floor. As i watched him he began tossing and turning, he looked uncomfortable and i couldnt blame him. I know i dont have much magic left but i can at least lift him, right? Slowly i got off the bed. I extended my hair and wrapped it around him before lifting him gently. He flinched for a second but calmed down when i placed him in his bed. Slowly i walked back over to the side of the bed and pulled the blankets over him. He looks so cute. I kissed him on the forehead before laying down on the floor to sleep. As i fell asleep i thought, could i really be finding friends this easily?

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