Chapter 11- family history

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Natsus POV
After cana asked that we go to the club with her we all headed back to our rooms to change into more appropriate clothes. My dress pants and button up shirt werent great for a night club. While me and april were getting dressed i was watching the beautfiul curves of her body. "Natsu, get dressed, youll have time to stare at me when we get home tonight," april said as she put on her red tube top. She was dressed in a red tube top and white shorts so i decided to match her color scheme. I wore a red tshirt with white pants. "Okay, im ready." I said. We headed out the door and began walking to the hotel lobby where we were meeting eveyone else. When we got to the lobby everyone was already there except for gray and juvia. Finally gray and juvia arrived and they Gray seemed way happier than normal and for once juvia was silent. "Alright, since everyone is here, lets go!" We got to the club and cana paid our way in just like she said she would. Soon we broke into small groups and began socializing. Gray, jellal, juvia and erza were all talking while me, april, romeo and wendy were. (a/n: Lets just say children are allowed in but cant drink) romeo and wendy were sitting awfully close so i wondered if they were trying to date or something. Ah young love. Soon the entire guild was around one table again, all talking. "So gray, you and juvia?" I asked him slyly. "Wait-what- how did you know?!" He asked frantically. "Haha! I was just messing with you but i see now!" Gray huffed as juvia spoke up, "we may not be officially dating yet, but gray has admitted his feelings for me, so we may move on to the next step!" She spoke happily. Finally april spoke up, "well im going to go get us some drinks!" I began to stand to help her but she put her hand on my shoulder and sat me down, "i can get it, no worries" i nodded and allowed her to get us drinks.

Aprils POV
"Can i get enough margaritas for that table over there?" I asked the bartender as i walked to the bar. He nodded slowly before speaking, "very well" as i waited for our drinks i felt someone walk up behind me. "April" as i heard this voice i turned around and saw... Flare?!?! "Flare?!? What are you doing here?" I asked her shocked. "Im really glad i got to see you april. Ive missed you so much. I hope you and your mate have been getting along well," she said shyly. "Oh yeah, natsu said he asked you for help for our first date. Thankyou flare. I still cant believe you remembered all that about me." I said thankfully. "Well you were the only person who was ever nice to me. I really appreciate it. Which is why i came to warn you," warn me? "What do you mean? Whats going on?" I asked catiously. "Well you see..." She trailed off before speaking again. "Master ivan found your whereabouts" that piece of- "hes coming to attack you guys." She finally finished. My mind was spinning. Why would he show up now? "When? Hes here? What about you?" I asked all these questions but all she replied was, "im done with raven tail." I was surprised. Raven tail is all shes ever known. "Tonight i will be helping you guys. Ive mastered telepathy magic so i will contact you when ivan is close." "Wow flare i-thankyou" she only nodded her head before leaving. As she walked out the door i heard her voice in my head, "you should get someone else to help you. Laxus would be a good idea." After getting the drinks and carrying them to our table i sat down in between natsu and laxus. Natsu could tell i was shaken up because he asked, "april, baby whats wrong?" I replied with, "its nothing. But i would like to talk to laxus. Alone." I finished. Natsu looked upset for a moment but finally nodded his head in approval. Finally i turned to laxus, "hey uh- laxus could i talk to you for a moment?" He turned to me and asked, "sure whats up kiddo?" Kiddo. I may be a couple years younger than you but im not a child! "Um, its kind of important. Could we go outside?" Slowly he nodded and patted miras head before following me outside. We got outside and i stayed silent for a moment. "So whats so important?" He asked me. Finally i built up to courage to speak. "You see, flare came to me tonight," "flare? That witch from raven tail?" Hearing him call her that made my heart hurt. So i yelled, "dont you dare call her that! She was my first and only friend until fairytail. She came here tonight to warn us! So dont you for a second think shes not on our side!" Laxus' eyes widened as i yelled at him but he finally spoke, "okay im sorry. What did flare have to warn us about?" I looked down before answering, "raven tail is coming to attack" as i said this his eyes widened and he was clearly angry. I was about to ask him to calm down before i heard flares voice, "guys, theyre coming your way!" Laxus looked up in shock, "who the hell did i just hear?!" I chuckled before answering, "that was flare. I told you she was on our side! Now get ready!" As we took our battle stances we noticed the entire raven tail guild turn the corner, coming our way. Before they even got the the club i attacked, "water dragon, ROAR!" As my attack hit them i sent quite a few member flying away but the rest were still coming. Laxus used the advantage we had and charged before they got any closer. He sent hundreds of lightning bolts there way and almost took out the rest of the guild. I felt so accomplished until i heard flare speak again, "dont let your gaurds down. The elite three are still there." Me and laxus were shocked as we saw master ivan with his elite three wizards. There would be four elite wizards but flare has switched sides. As they approached natsu and the others burst through the door and saw me and laxus facing off against raventail.

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