Chapter 21- back home

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Aprils POV
"Now please, wake up," my mother told me. Slowly i opened my eyes. I didnt recognize the room at first. I felt weight on my right arm and when i looked over i saw a sleeping happy and natsu. I smiled knowing that they were okay. This must be fairytails infirmary. Where is everyone else? What happened to ivan? I looked up to see a tall, older, pink haired woman looking at me. Before i could speak she spoke first, "my name is prolyuscia. I am fairytails healer. Dont get up just yet. You need to rest." She didnt say anything else which made me worry. "What about everyone else? The r-system? Ivan? What happened?" She sighed heavily before she answered, "your comrades destroyed the tower of heaven and everyone else is just fine. You seem to be the only one who sustained any terrible damage." She told me. Once she told me this i remembered, "what-" i began to speak but my sobs caught in my throat and stopped me from talking. Porlyuscia handed me a glass of water and i drank it before composing myself and trying to ask again, "what about- what about" i put my hand on my stomach before asking, "what about my baby?" I asked her. It took her a moment to answer which caused me to begin crying rapidly. "Calm down child!" Porlyuscia scolded me, "your baby is just fine. Try not to fight anymore until youve had them though," as she told me this i felt major relief wash over me. Wait. Them? "What do you mean, them?" I asked her. She looked at me before giving me a small smile and answering, "well youll be having twins!" I couldnt believe my ears. I was lucky enough to have two children?!? Quickly i placed my hand on natsus shoulder and shook lightly, "april" i heard him say in his sleep. I smiled at this but continued to shake him, "baby, wake up." As soon as i spoke natsu shot his head up. He looked at me and i could see tears forming in his eyes. Quickly natsu pulled me into a hug squishing happy between us. Happy woke up startled, "what the- april youre okay!" He spoke as he was being crushed by natsu and me. As natsu hugged me he kissed all over my face. I couldnt speak and there wasnt a spot on my face that his lips didnt touch. "Baby-" before i could say anything natsu cut me off, "april im so happy youre okay! I couldnt have gone on without you! I-" i out my finger up to his lips and shut him up. "Baby im here. Im okay. And guess what porlyuscia told me?" He looked at me before asking, "what?" As he asked this he released me and happy from his grip, "were having twins!" Once i said this his face turned into pure joy, "so-so-well have-" "yeah baby, well have two," quickly he lifted me out of the bed and as he ran out the door i heard porlyuscia yelling, "hey! She still needs her rest!" As soon as we got upstairs everyone tunred our direction. Natsu stopped walking and it took a second before there was an eruption of "april!" Everyone ran up to us and began trying to hug me. "Im so glad your okay, i tried so hard to heal you," wendy told me while carla nodded her head. "I heard you did a real number on ivan, good job. Im sure you kicked ass!" Lucy told me. "I am so glad you made it back safe. You are my bestie after all!" Juvia said wle holding grays hand. "I heard you fought like a real man!" Elfman applauded. "Dont worry honey youre still a woman" evergreen told me. "You were so brave, april," levy told me while gajeel used her as an arm rest. Everyone else said about the same thing, telling me they were glad that i was okay but i walked up to the bar to talk to my group. As we approached the bar erza turned around and her eyes widened when she saw me. Quickly she took me from natsus embrace and held me up in the air, "youre alright! I was so worried!" She placed me down but jellal needed to put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from tumbling over. Once i got my balance natsu came up to my and held my hand. "I cant believe the bastard did that to you," laxus told me as he gave me a hug. That reminds me.... "So what happened to ivan?" As soon as i asked this everyone stopped talking and looked down. Flare was behind the bar serving drinks and she was the first one to tell me, "april, do you think a dragon can hold back when they see their mate being threatened?" I thought for a moment. Did natsu.... I looked towards natsu and he looked at his feet in shame, "natsu..did you" before i could continue he answered, "yes. I killed ivan. Im sorry i just-" before he could finished i kissed him. "Thankyou for protecting me," i told him as i pulled away. He looked at me shocked so i told him, "he was never a father to me. Plus he was hurting all those innocent people. I dont know about laxus but honestly i dont care that hes dead." As i said this i turned to laxus who answered, "hey good riddance for all i care,". I sat down at the bar before i asked, "so what about samus town?" Mira spoke up and told me, "the people being held captive were all residents of that town. Only two peope died while in the tower and no one else was hurt after that. They have begun rebuilding the town." It took me a moment before i asked another question, "but may-those two people were-" i stopped because i knew that mira understood me, "yes april. Those were her parents," i looked down sadly. We allowed a child to become an orphan. "But youll be happy to know," mira told me "that may is now in the custody of two of your favorite people!" Quickly i asked her, "who? Who has may?" Once i asked this mira smiled widely and looked over towards juvia. "Why, the fullbusters do," as she said this i stood up and began running towards juvia. I still felt weak and as i stood everyone at the bar yelled at me to sit down and take it easy. But i ran anyway. I only ran about two feet before i felt my legs go numb and i started to fall. I could feel myself about to hit the fl- i was caught. I looked up and saw worry in natsus eyes as he held me. Quickly he pulled me into his chest as he said, "april! Dont do that! You could get hurt. Please dont get hurt," i noticed that he started to tear up so i quickly hugged him, "baby its fine. I would have been fine. But ill still try to take it easy," i told him reassuringly. Slowly he walked me to the table where everyone was sitting. He sat me down next to juvia before kneeling beside me. "Juvia you have may?" I asked her without hesistation. "Yes, me and gray adopted her" i smiled widely as i asked her, "when can i see her?" "Whenever youd like to," gray told me. Juvia nodded before adding, "she has blue hair like me, her name is a month like you and she uses water magic," "shes already using magic?" I asked her surprised. "Yes, she said she saw your water and wanted water like yours," lucy told me. "Which is why," gray said seriously. "We are asking the both of you to be her god parents!" Juvia said excitedly. I hugged her tightly and replied, "of course! You dont need to ask me!". For the rest of the night we all talked and i felt at home again. Fairytail makes me so happy. After a few hours it was getting late and people began to leave. Juvia and gray left relatively early because they didnt have a babysitter for nighttime at the moment. Eventually natsu took my hand and told me, "alright baby lets go home," i said my goodbyes to everyone and left the guild hand in hand with natsu. Happy was flying closely behind us. We walked for a few blocks until i noticed, "uh baby were walking the wrong way," happy giggled before natsu answered me, "no were not. We are going to our beautiful home," it took me a moment but i finally got it. "Natsu dragneel! Did you go and buy our house while i was passed out?" He looked back at happy who was laughing before looking at me again, "maybe..." I was about to get really upset but he wouldnt let me, "but baby its so beautiful and i know youll love it, and it was a great price, and its so close to the guild and-" finally i cut him off. "Whatever." I told him. "As long as its a nice house i guess its fine," we continued walking until natsu stopped and looked up at a building. He pointed towards it and when i looked i was amazing. (Im so bad at descriptions-be warned) It was a home with a white picket fence along all sides so that it had a nice sized yard with a lush lawn. The walls were white and the shutters were a coral red color. Each window had flowers beneath them and i could tell from here what flowers he put in them. White and red tulips. The roofs shingles were arranged so that the lighter shades created the fairytail emblem. The door was a bright red and it was very welcoming. There was even a small sakura tree in the front yard. "Baby-this-this is amazing," i told him as i admired the large house. "Well wait until you see the inside. I had the guys working overtime to help me do it" the guys? "The guys helped you?" Happy smiled and answered me "yeah natsu got eveyone to work together! Lucy, erza, levy, mira, wendy, carla, juvia and flare came up with the designs but they left their boyfriends to do all the work," i cant believe everyone would do all this for me. "Well lets go inside!" Natsu said as he took my hand and guided me inside. In side was even better. The entrance had a large crystal chandelier next to the tall spiral staircase. The kitchen was packed of all the modern equippment with a beautiful wooden floor and the livingroom had the newest lacrimas one could get with a nice carpet. There was four different bedrooms although one of them was empty. One bedroom had a large bed with all of mine and natsus belongings in it. "Well be in here alot," natsu whispered into my ear seductively. There was even a small cat bed in the room. The other room was covered with murals of dragons and all kinds of magic. "The girls painted this room," natsu told me. Its beautiful.The characters practicing magic in the mural were familiar and thats when i noticed, the mural contained everyone in fairytail and all of our friends! In this room there was a crib against the wall along with a changing station. "Well need to get another crib," happy said. The other room had punching bags and all types of workout equippment. "I assume this is the training room?" "Aye!" Happy said excited. There was three different bathrooms and each one had a shower. "This house must have been expensive!" I said. Natsu chuckled before he answered, "i only spent half of what we made on that job buying this house,". I was surprised but i continued to look around. The basement was set up like a play room and it had a large , yet empty toy box with some play mats strewn across the floor. The attic was small and had only a few boxes in it. Eventually after i had looked at the house, the three of us laid in bed and talked. This was a great start to the rest of my life.

April instincts- Natsu X original character (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now