Chapter 7- night swimming!

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Natsus POV
I woke up to the sweet sound of aprils voice, "natsu" she shook me gently. "Natsu wake up," after a minute of pretending to be asleep she leaned in real close and whispered, "this is your fault" before roughly smashing her lips against mine, i instantly felt awake. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and for once, she was the dominate one. God. i should pretend to be asleep more often. I put my hand on the back of her head to bring her closer to me and to gain more access to her lips. As her tongue explored my mouth i placed my hands on her ass and recieved light moans. Those sounds are driving me insane. She only pulled away when we heard the master clear his throat. We turned around to see everyone that was on the bus staring at us in shock. Mira spoke up eventually and said, "well everyone, get into your bathing suits and meet at the pool. We are going to have some late night swimming!" Soon everyone carried their bags into the resort and went to their rooms.

Aprils POV
I went to grab my bag but natsu quickly grabbed it out of my hands and said, "let me get this for you, baby". Everytime he talked my heart fluttered. We walked to our room while natsu carried both the bags. We got inside and put our clothes into the draws. After we were done unloading our clothes we fished out our bathing suits. I got undressed but stopped at my bra and panties. Natsu was staring at me like i was a piece of meat. Although he was obviously drooling like a madman he said, "ill turn around if you-" he began to turn around but i stopped him by saying, "no! I- i mean i- i want you to look at me," he blushed bright red and nodded but his mouth was still open. I first unclipped my bra and put it on the floor. As i did natsu started coming closer to me. I knew if we did this now we wouldnt make it to the pool in time so i backed up. As natsu walked closer to me he peeled off his shirt and let his pants fall to the floor. The sight of his body made me drool. He continued coming closer to me and i felt my back hit the wall. He pressed his body against me and emited a growl when we made contact. "Go get dressed in the bathroom" he said while looking at me with lust in his eyes, "if you dont- i swear if you dont cover yourself we wont be going to the pool tonight" he backed away from me as i walked to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and finished getting dressed. I put on my bikini bottom but i couldnt tie my own top so i went back into the room. Natsu was sitting on the bed in his swimsuit and i noticed how amazing his body looked. Finally i composed myself, "Natsu, could you tie this for me?" I asked him while holding it against my chest. He looked me up and down before answering, "sure thing," he came up behind me and tied the bottom strings. When he moved to the top strings, instead of tying them he just held them and placed his lips against my neck. I let out a whimper of pleasure and he mustve liked this because i felt him poke me from behind. He sucked lightly on my neck. As i grinded my ass into him i let out a moan, "o-oh natsu!". He stopped abruptly and once again pushed me away from him. He looked deep into my eyes before saying, "no. Im sorry. I want to hold out as long as i can." We sat for a few moments and waited for him to calm down before we headed to the pool.

Aprils POV
When we got to the pool everybody was already there and there was even hotel employees giving out mixed drinks! We walked in a took our seats next to the rest of team natsu. When we sat down loke looked me over and asked, "and who might this beautiful woman be?" Juvia frantically shook her head no at him but he said it anyway. Natsu stood up and slammed his fists on the table. "You stay the fuck away from april! Ill kick your goddamn-" before natsu could get anymore violent me and gajeel ran up to him. I grabbed his hands and said to him, "baby, please. Calm down" gajeel and lucy stood in front of a confused loke protecting him. Finally natsu calmed down when i whispered in his ear, "im all yours baby, i promise. You own me, now please, calm down." He sat back down and composed himself but i continuously rubbed his leg to keep him calm. I noticed erza sitting with a blue haired man so i went to go introduce myself. As i stood up natsu followed me without saying a word. "Oh hello april, and natsu," erza said as we approached her. I sat down while natsu stood protectively over me, i ushered for him to sit down in the chair next to me. He moved the chair right up against mine before sitting down. Finally he spoke, "its good to see you jellal,". Before i could introduce myself jellal extended his hand to me and introduced himself, "hello, i am jellal. Who might you be?" I took his hand in mine but before i could speak natsu released a loud growl until our hands werent touching anymore, and erza told him, "natsu please calm down,". Finally once i noticed natsu calm down i spoke, "im april. Its nice to meet you.  Sorry about natsu," i added the last part quietly but jellal responded, "its fine. I am very aware of dragon slayers and their... Instincts," we all talked for a little bit until i stood up and asked, "well i want to swim, whos with me?" Natsu stood up immediatly but gray had to get pulled along by juvia. Before we left the table loke called over to us, "hey natsu!" Natsu emmited a low growl before turning around. As loke approached us natsu held me closer to him, "im sorry about before. I didnt know she was...well yours." Natsu smirked triumphantly before responding, "yes, she is mine. I know you like to flirt but you have lucy so dont go around hitting on other peoples mates," we walked away and went to the pool. In the pool already were the group of exceeds all splashing eachother while carla sheilded herself. Mira was on laxus' shoulders while lisanna was on bickslows and they were playing chicken. We got to the edge of the pool and i asked natsu, "do you trust me?" He smiled before saying, "of course i do baby but why-" i enveloped into a hug and brought him into the pool with me. As we went under the surface i created a nice air bubble for us under the water. I turned around and hugged him tight, as he hugged me back he hand his hand on the small of my back. I relased him from the hug and was about to bring us to the surface when i saw it. Under the water, in a little air bubble, just like me and natsu, there gray was, kissing juvia! I tapped natsu and pointed towards them excitedly. Natsu smiled as we ascended to the surface. When we got to the top he laughed out loud, "man! I cant believe it took stripper that long to make a move!" Me and natsu continued laughing until we saw gray and juvia come to the surface. "I heard you flame brain!" Gray shouted. "Sorry that I dont have some sense of smell to tell me who i need to be with!" He continued. For once natsu didnt reply, he just blushed and kept quiet. Juvia swam up to me and we high fived, she looked so happy. Finally mira yelled, "alright we are going to play chicken! Get into pairs!" Of course natsu and i stood together. Next to us stood juvia and gray. After we all lined up mira said, "now switch partners!" Me and natsu exchanged worried glances but gray and juvia had something else in mind.

Juvias POV
"Partner with april and make natsu jealous" i whispered to gray as mira told us to switch partners. He looked at me wide eyed and said, "are you trying to get me killed?" I smiled at this and told him my plan. Finally gray agreed and grabbed aprils hand while i talked to natsu. He was obviously focused on april though. Mira ushered us into the pool. As me and april climbed onto natsu and grays backs both the dragon slayer released loud violent growls. Gray winked at me as we began to play. Since water was both of our powers it was difficult to get either one of us down. I felt natsus hand grab my thighs to hold on more and april growled loudly. I thought natsu would be the first to break. Turn out i was right because as gray held on to aprils legs natsu knocked me off his shoulders and pushed gray away from april. "Dont you fucking touch her like that again ice princess!" April got in front of gray as natsu yelled in his face. "I should fucking kill you for touching her like that!" Gajeel began to approach them, i assume to save my gray but april did exactly as i planned and kissed him. Well that shut him up. Natsu got out of the pool and threw april over his shoulder. "No one better bother us for the rest of the night!" He yelled as he left the pool room. Gray came up to me and put his arm around my waist, "well juvia, it looks like you were dead on with how they would react,"

Im not too good a writing lemons but this next chapter is going to be a lemon so prepare yourselves.

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