Chapter 14- couples dream night

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Aprils POV
After a night of fighting, drinking, dancing and sex i woke up enveloped in natsus warmth. I played with his soft hair for a moment before slowly getting up and heading to the bathroom. My legs felt weak but i was walking fine im sure a shower would help. Slowly i turned on the water and climbed in hoping not to wake natsu. As i was showering i began thinking, thats right! I told everyone to meet on the beach tonight. i still have to set that up! Suddenly i was pulled out of my thought as i heard the bathroom door open. "Natsu?" I asked but there was no response. I stayed quiet for a second thinking i would get an answer but no. Before i could speak again the shower curtain was opened and a naked natsu stood in front of me, "mind if i join ya?" He asked casually. I still couldnt help myself from blushing as he entered. I was pretty much done already so i moved over so he could be in water and i handed him the soap. I watched him as he lathered the bubbles in his hair. As he began washing it out the soap was travelling down his body. What a nice body it is. "My eyes are up here," he said sarcastically as he saw me admiring his body. Finally i composed myself and spoke, "okay so you just hang out with everyone while i set everything up, okay?" He looked at me confused before answering, "set what up?" "Silly! The date night i planned for everyone! I have alot to do so after this im going to be heading out." Slowly he lowered his head and looked sadder. "And i cant stay with you?" I felt bad but still replied, "no im sorry, you cant. Its a surprise for you too!" Once i said this he got a little happier and finished washing himself off. As he stepped out of the shower i handed him a towel before placing one around myself. "So you wont be coming back here until after tonight?" He asked. "Yeah but the date night is for us too, so dont worry," he nodded as we walked into the room to get dressed. As we opened the bathroom door we saw flare sitting on our bed. "What- flare?!" Natsu quickly slammed the door shut. I began laughing, "haha, stay here ill get your clothes while i talk to flare." I walked into the bedroom and flare looked up at me, "im sorry i didnt mean to interupt or any-" i cut her off, "dont sweat it! Whats up? Whered you go last night?" As i asked her this i got natsus clothes and passed them through the door to him. Flare stayed silent and blushed before answering, "well um- i stayed with lyon," lyon? From lamia scale?!?!? Before i could ask she answered my question, "from lamia scale. Hes a really nice guy and he let me stay with him last night," finally she told me how lyon had taken her to a diner and they got into a food fight. How cute. She even said that she was thinking of joining an actual guild but she wasnt sure which one. After i told her about my date night she insisted that she wanted to help. I already knew how i was going to decorate so i told her that if she really wanted to help she could start cooking all the food. Finally we made up our minds, i would set up the area while she made the food. I told her to gaurd it so natsu doesnt eat any of it before its done and she said she would. I walked to the beach to begin setting things up i brought everything i needed in a large beach bag. As i got closer to the water i saw someone standing at the edge. Wierd, i thought i reserved this portion of the beach? The closer i got the more it made sense, it was juvia! When i got next to her she turned around and began to talk, "oh april! Last night was the best, was it not?" She looked so happy. "So uh- gray confess his love to you yet?" I asked. "Not quite but almost!" Finally i told her about my plans for tonight and how i wanted everyone to participate. Finally she asked if she too could help so i told her i only had one more job. "Very well, i need you to go to everyone and tell them. Now they need to be in pairs for this, tell them that too!" As i said this she shook her head and ran off. I admired the water for a second before starting to set everything up. Tonight is going to be amazing!

Natsus POV
After i heard april leave i came out of the bathroom and was greeted by flare, "oh hello natsu! I hope you dont mind but april told me i could stay here to make the food for tonight!" Thats when i had the best idea. While april was setting up paradise for everyone else i would set up a paradise for her!

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