~Dangerous Glint~

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I am fully insane, but at least I'm aware of it. Seeing blood flow was another type of high, a high that drugs or alcohol couldn't give me. It started on accident when I worked in a hospital, the bloody patients were always the most fun to take care of as they were usually passed out for long enough to let me do my thing. My co-workers got on my tail quickly and my boss eventually had me fired. The craving never disappeared though. It was constantly on my mind, I need it to survive like others needed food and water. 

I didn't understand that at first, and tried changing after being fired. The thirst never went away however. Now, when I'm no longer working at the hospital I had to get the blood in another way. The only thing I could actually do was murder. I didn't loose any dignity, instead I trained myself up to be a very professional hitman. Rumours started spreading and I quickly had gained a bit of a reputation to myself. This far I had only really accepted smaller deals, the big guys we're aware of me, but on the fence. Self taught didn't bode well in this branch. I couldn't care less, they'd come to me soon enough.

Another big reason that I hadn't taken any of the big deals this far was that the few that I had gotten they we're all really intent on their deal being executed the same night, but specific hits to rich people with crazy alarms and guarding tended to take a days planning and a long execution process. Some times they were so intent on getting their victim alive, wanting to be the one to kill them, but letting me take care of the body. If they just fire the gun and don't have to worry about the body the blood isn't fully in their hands, they have another person to point to if things turn out an unplanned way. I only had two demands.

•I got to take care of the body, preferably kill the victim too, however it could be discussed, if I didn't get to kill / dispose of the body the price was going to rise because of it.

•I got to do whatever I wanted to do with the body and leave it fully out for the public eye to see.

Some clients didn't want anything to do with the killing process, they just handed over the money and a file on the victim. Others were set to being there, watching their enemy die. Some were specific that they wanted their victim tortured before they were killed, some starved, some wanted stabbing, some a shot through the brain. I simply pointed and shot. No hard feelings could get in between, I had gotten a job and I was simply going to complete it, no need to make it more complicated than it was already.

The most surprising thing was how I literally drained the bodies before getting rid of them, sometimes when I wanted to have some fun and especially cruel I dismembered my victims with very little blood left in their bodies, and placed the body parts out in fountains or other places. It was fun to watch as normal people started seeing the red colour rise from body parts in the water, extra fun was it when the body parts started floating. The screaming and panic was like music to my ears. Seeing people's panicked eyes, frantic movement, rapid breathing, it was a close second to drinking the victims blood. Especially fun was it to place smaller body parts, like fingers, toes and ears in the middle of the day, in popular places like Trafalgar Square. So much people were constantly moving through the town square that they would never be able to narrow it down to a single person as the murderer.

I played freely with all of society, no remorse left in my body. A child found a finger? Cool, can't wait for the screams. A dog found it underneath a bush? I can't wait to see the reaction of the owner. I always made sure to leave a message with my killings. Placing body parts could be in places that made up a symbol, or a letter for each body part, making up words. It was fun to hear how stressed Callum got over it. He was a well known cop, investigator is a more proper term. People knew I was a good friend of his, it made the perfect cover up. Cal never knew, he still thought I worked at that shitty pizza place I temporarily worked at after the hospital. What he didn't know was that I technically had an office there, it was just above his head.

The business was never clean, he didn't know that and he would never need to know. The best thing was how I was the one he constantly talked to, one of few friends he had kept after his sudden career change, our other friends didn't like it, nor were they particularly nice and supportive about it either. Callum had seen an end to the success off his previous job and went on, didn't care of what other thought of it, it was just going to be done. He didn't need others opinions, he knew to let go of those who weren't happy and supportive of him. He had always been so smart in that way, he knew exactly when to say stop and start to talk with loud opinions and a powerful voice. Our previous friends had made him tone down himself, saying it fit better. Why would he need to be truthful when he could be a better him? They didn't understand him like I did, even though we've known each other just as long.

He no longer wanted to keep his childish and shallow personality, he wanted to finally be himself, fully and truly. He could still be a child at heart, but I mean, so could I, even in my state. Disney Thursdays were forever going to be our thing, nothing got in-between of that. Takeout and Disney movies, it was always relaxing after killing someone.

If one of us ever was sick we always spent a day together at an amusement park as soon as the previously sick person were up and healthy again. We had agreed to let go of our old friends completely, we didn't need their negativity in our lives. Instead we focused on making new friends, gaining many fun ones as we went along.

It was always fun to remember old times. It's been at least 5 years since I last killed, had someone other than my own blood. Callum wasn't the one to catch me in my highly illegal acts, it was a displeased client who payed to have me put in this asylum. I hated him for it. He kept paying to have me locked up, but the whippings and torture didn't do much anymore, besides, I only kept my plans inside my mind, never spoken of or written down. They would never know that I had planned from the start to keep going, I was craving blood like never before. When I got put here they thought I was some weird vampire type of creature, only to find that anatomically I was still completely human.

I made some, let's say acquaintances, during my time hear. When they described me, they said I was once crazy but still had that dangerous glint in my eyes.


I had to write a crime story for English class, what no one but me know is who the murderer is.

I'll give you two hints. Callum is actually Freezy, feel free to guess who the actual murderer is though. Will follow the first person who guesses it correct, read their works if they spark my interest and will dedicate a chapter, maybe you wanna request something too?

Love xx Jo.

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