"Irene! Hello..."

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"So?" Liam says with a shocked expression on his face. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know Liii!" I cry, rolling my eyes. "I do like him, he's cute, nice, hot, funny...but, you know that there's someone that fills my mind 24/7, so I-I can't even think about dating someone else."

"Yeah, I understand, but maybe you should have thought about it before sleeping with Haz.." Liam smiles cheekily, before taking a sip of his beer.

I widen my eyes staring at him in disappointment. "Oh c'mon, you should try to cheer me up, you're not supposed to make me feel worse!" I complain.

Liam laughs sweetly "Yeah, sorry, I was joking!" He apologizes. "I just hope... Harry won't misunderstand what you feel for him."

I sigh, drinking some beer. "I don't want to make him suffer. But he knows!...well, everybody knows, since I confessed that I like Zayn in front of a crowd."

Liam giggles, placing his hand on mine, gently caressing it.

"That was pretty weird, actually. You should have seen the look Perrie had on her face, when she left." Liam claims.

I get closer to him, pressing my body against the table.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she had an argument with Zayn, after you left." Liam explains. "she looked very upset, probably because Zayn wasn't angry enough for what you had just done."

"And so she left? Alone?"

"Yeah, she ran away, without even saying goodbye."

I absent-mindedly stare at the table for few seconds.

"Liam, what did Zayn think of my confession?"

Liam swallows the sip of beer he was drinking, looks at me in the eyes, and starts talking.

"I-I don't know exactly, Irene" he slowly says. "He was definitely shocked. He didn't expect that."

I shake my head. "Boys...you are always so dumb!"

"Hey, hey, what do you mean? I'm not dumb!...I think...unless you..." His expression of offence changes into a playful look. "You haven't fallen for me too, Irene, have you?"

I burst out laughing, putting my hand on my mouth.

"You are the dumbest Liam!" I jokingly say.

"Anyway, Irene, you shouldn't worry!" He turns serious again. "Zayn is not angry with you. He just...didn't think that you felt this way about him."

I nod. "Ok, thanks Liam. I hope he won't avoid me from now on."

Liam shakes his head smiling. "He's not the kind of guy that does that. He truly cares about you, he won't do anything to lose you."

Liam's words are starting to make me feel better.

"But what about Perrie?" I go on.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...if your girlfriend behaved like she did with one of your friends...I guess you would be angry!"

"Ok, I understand what you say... but, as I already told you, I think...Zayn isn't in love with Perrie, he just takes her for granted, not caring too much about what she does or says."

"Liam you can't say this about your good friend!" I playfully yell at him.

"I know, I'm not saying he's doing that to be mean. I'm just saying that... I think he's kind of indifferent because hasn't found the girl he wants and needs, yet."

My heart skips a beat.

"And Irene, I say that because I love him...he's my best friend!"

I suddenly turn serious and look at him in disbelief.

"What?" he asks confused.

"Try again." I mumble.


"Who's your bestfriend?"

Liam understands and starts laughing.

"I've always wanted a little annoying sister that followed me everywhere and teased me all the time... and then I found you!" he laughs while I jokingly hit him on the shoulder.

I leave Liam at about 11 pm, and head home by foot. The sky is still clouded, but the rain has stopped. I want to walk in order to enjoy the quietness of the town by night. I walk for about 15 minutes before arriving at my street. As I get closer to the building where my flat is, I notice a shadow standing on the stairs in front of the entrance. I stare at him, trying to understand who he is, and staring to worry a little. When I'm a few steps away from him, he stands up, and comes towards me, while the light reveals his identity.

"Irene...Hi.." Zayn whispers.

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