Madly In Love

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In a few hours, Liam, Niall and Louis are all drunk enough to be dancing like idiots in the middle of the pub. Alice joins them, eventually laughing at his boyfriend's awkward moves. Harry has run into some friends of his, while Zayn and I stare at the funny scene cuddled up on a small armchair.

"C'mon, guys, don't be lame! Come and dance with us!!" Liam begs grabbing my hands and pulling me on the dance floor.

The song Wake me up by Avicii starts, and I jump with Liam, singing along to the words of the song. Zayn gets up and approaches us, shyly bumping his head to the music.

"Babe, dance with me!" I try to be persuasive, wrapping Zayn's waist with my arms.

He shakes his head and bites his lip. "I like staying here; I can enjoy the view." He says with a strange smirk on his face.

I furrow and look at him quizzically. "The view?"

He nods cheekily. "Yeah. You ...dancing, moving...shaking you body..." he says biting his lip, his eyes unable to hide his perverted thoughts. I blush and laugh at him. "You're incredible!" I whisper, delicately biting his ear lobe, in order to tease him. And judging by the look on his face when I step back and restart dancing, I succeeded.

"Ireeeeeneeee!" Niall grabs me and raises me on his shoulder, alcohol making him a little too excited and noisy.

"Nialler, pleeeease put me down, what are you doing?" I can't help but laugh like an idiot as he tosses me around, making the other boys laugh too.

Due to my weight, to his excessive speed and to the crowd in the pub, Niall wanders around in order not to lose his balance, and end up in a completely different spot of the local. When he finally decides to put my down, I raise my head, and I'm right in front of Harry.

He stares at me with an unreadable look on his face for some seconds, then smiles sweetly, easing the tension.

"Be careful, love. That crazy Irish guy was almost dropping you." He says with his typical calm and low tone.

I grin in response, and awkwardly turn around, not being able to sustain his green eyes on me.

I reach Zayn and notice a little worried look on his face.

I smirk while hugging him. "Babe, are you ok?"

His smiles reappears as soon as I wrap his body with my arms. "Yeah, babe, I'm fine."

He leans in and kisses me passionately, one of hands caressing my cheek, the other grabbing my back and pressing my body against his.

"I love you." He mumbles after breaking the kiss.

A smile appears on my mouth. "Love you too, Zayn."

His features are slightly lighted up by the colored lights of the pub, which underline his jaw, his stubble, his lips, his cute nose, his eyelashes. He's flawless outside, and wonderfully perfect inside. I'm madly in love with him right now.

"What are you thinking about?" he says scanning my face.

"Nothing special. It's just that...I wanted to thank you."

"For what?"

"For not letting me down. For proving who you really are and for making me forget about your mistakes by being...just like this."

He grins making my heart skip and kisses me again.

"Ok guys, time for the presents!" Alice announces, gently kicking my leg. "No lovebirds allowed heeeere!".

Louis hears her, and abruptly pushes her against him, with a mischievous look on his face. "Honey, please!" he claims before passionately kissing her, while Zayn cheers and laughs with me.

"Ok, so, Liam, let's go the table so you can open our presents." Harry suggests.

We all take a seat around our table, patiently waiting for Liam to unwrap his surprises. He's really tipsy by now, and his natural enthusiasm and sweetness is emphasized, and he grins like a big boy in front of a huge box of candies when he sees his present. He's so genuine and truly grateful for all his friends.

When he opens my present and sees the huge picture of us I've printed and framed, he puts his hand on his mouth and almost gets emotional. He hugs me really tight, almost hurting me, whispering "Thanks!" a thousand time.

"I love you very very very much, Irene!" he finally claims, glancing at the frame on the table with a incredulous look on his face.

"Li, don't get emotional please! I love you too, cupcake!" I mutter stroking his hand.

I get back and sit on Zayn's lap, still staring at my friend almost in tears.

"Love you all guys, thank you so much for being such good friends!" he claims.

"Oooh Payno, enough with the tear-jerking moments!" Louis's sassiness interrupts Liam's speech. "let's dance agaaaain!" he enthusiastically brings every single one of us on the dance floor, and the party goes on.

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