The Tall Hooded Boy

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So we're here, for the thousandth time, the seven of us, with a new entry, Claudia. This is quite been our life for the last months, but now University has started, and with all the study and the exams, spending time all together will become harder. Louis's blue happy eyes and Niall's infectious laugh, Harry's bright smile and Liam's kind voice make me feel like I'll miss this sooo much. Everything is changing fast, and I have to admit that I'm a little scared. Leaving alone, pursuing my studies, keeping in contact with my friends, especially my best friends... summer is gone and fall is going to be very demanding. But I've got this beautiful, tall, dark-haired guy, standing next to me and holding my hand, and his presence makes me feel good.

"When is she going to be here, Irene?" Liam asks lowly, rubbing the back of his head.

"She texted me, she's going to be here in ten minutes, don't worry Liam. Act normal, ok?"

"Mate, relax!" Zayn sets in. "...Actually, this girl must be really hot if you're so nervous!" Zayn giggles.

I turn to look at him with my eyes half-close in a threatening smirk.

"Babe, it's just... I have to be ready! So I'll be able to fake indifference when she comes in!" he teases me. In response, I slap his arm, and stick my tongue out at him. Zayn laughs and kisses my forehead, as to apologize.

"Where's Louis?" Alice asks with a quizzical expression, turning to Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn and me.

"Ehm, excuse me, everybody..." from the small stage at the bottom of the pub, a familiar voice catches our attention. "Hi, ehm, m-my name is Louis. Sorry, I'm a little bit embarrassed..."

I turn to look at Alice, who's staring at his boyfriend speechless. I walk next to her and wrap her shoulders with my arms. "I didn't know Louis was going to sing tonight!" I claim.

"I didn't know that, too." Alice answers without taking her dedicated eyes off Louis.

"I want to sing..." Louis goes on, after placing a player keyboard and sitting on a stool, lights on him. "I want to sing a song to my wonderful girlfriend. She's over there!".

Tens of heads turn around to look at Alice, whose cheeks flush as soon as she hears her boyfriend's words and the crowd cheering.

"Tomorrow, she's moving in with me. And, I wanted to dedicate this song to her..." he gulps and sighs, visibly nervous. He's so sweet I almost want to cry, but I try to focus on sustaining Alice, because I think she's going to faint.

Louis stars playing.

"If I don't say this now

I will surely break

As I'm leaving the one

I want to take"

I glimpse at Alice and notice a tear rolling down her cheek. I hug her tight, but her attention is focused on Louis and only Louis.

"Forgive the urgency but

Hurry up and wait

My heart has started to separate"

Zayn is next to me and rubs his hand on my back, grinning at me.

"Oooh, Oooh,

Be my baby


Oooh, Oooh,

Be my baby

I'll look after you"

As soon as Louis has finished singing, the crowed claps and stands to cheer him. Alice is shocked, standing motionless next to me. She looks so happy that it makes my heart hurt. After a while, a huge grin appears on her face, as she runs towards the stage and jumps at Louis's neck as soon as he gets down.

"Are you crazy Lou?! You almost killed me! I was literally having a heart attack!" she sobs in his ear.

"I love you Alice, I love you with all my heart, really!" he whispers. The two of them reach our table, hand in hand, while the all pub is still howling and clapping hands.

"You' craziest couple I've ever met!" I claim, hugging Louis. "and you're the sweetest boy in the world, Tommo." I pull away and lock my eyes on his. "I hope you do look after her, I'm counting on it!" I whisper, and the big smile on his cute face makes me understand that he'll certainly do.

"Hi Irene!" Claudia voice comes from behind my back, and I immediately glimpse at Liam, finding him with a nervous smile on his face. I smile at his goofiness, trying to cheer him up, and then turn around to welcome Claudia. She's brought a friend, a tall hooded boy coming right behind him.

"Sorry I'm late, but I had to catch up with a friend of mine, he's Alex, he comes from Glasgow. Alex, this is Irene."

I feel my heart jumping out of my chest when I hear Claudia's words; Alex, my ex boyfriend, is right there, in front of me, looking almost as shocked as me.

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