Chapter 2

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Rydel- (shocked) okay

Laura- I didnt mean to yell (gets dressed)

Rydel- it's fine

Laura- I'm really sorry

Rydel- it's fine

Laura- do you want to watch a movie with everyone

Rydel- sure

(They go downstairs and everyone sits down to watch a movie)

Ross's pov-
I couldn't stop staring at Laura. I'm in love with her and everything she does but she's with Riker. I need to make her love me

(Laura looks at Ross then leaves the room motioning Ross to follow)

Laura- what the heck were you thinking

Ross- what

Laura- you know what! You wouldn't take your eyes off of me the whole movie! You can't keep doing this!

Ross- but I can't help it. I love you

Laura- I'm sorry but I love Riker

(Ross gets mad and kisses her but Laura tries to pull away at first and gives up and kisses back)

Ross- see you love me

Laura- (in shock) what no I don't

Ross- but you kissed back

Laura- so you would let go of me (runs downstairs)

Ross- (lays on his bed) what have I done

Riker- hey Laur is everything okay

Laura- (sits down by Riker and puts her head on his shoulder) yeah

Riker- let's go to bed

(Everyone goes to sleep except Ross, he can't stop thinking about Laura and the kiss)

(The next morning)

Laura- (wakes up and goes downstairs) hey Ross

Ross- so you're talking to me

Laura- I don't know what the hell your problem is but you need to stop! NOW! Go and find some idiot to date

Ross- fine! She would be better than you (goes to his room and slams the door)

Laura- (sits on the couch and starts crying)

Riker- (goes downstairs and sits by Laura) hey baby what's wrong

Laura- Ross!

Riker- what did he do this time

Laura- well he got mad because he's in love with me but I love you and I told him to move on and find someone to date and he said she would be better than me (cries even harder)

Riker- (gets mad and stands up)

Laura- where are you going

Riker- to show Ross that is not okay to mess with my baby! (Goes into Ross's room)

(Laura starts crying harder and can hear them yelling and fighting)

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