Chapter 33:

4.8K 89 11

Rydel- (walks into Laura and Ross's house) hey guys

Laura- I'm going on tour with you guys!


Rocky- (laughs) called it

Rydel- what

Laura- when I told them he pretty much said that

Rydel- (laughs) whatever

Vanessa- I'm going too


Ross- since when do you say that

Rydel- since now

Laura- (laughs) you are all so weird

Rydel- well so are you

Laura- whatever

Rydel- I'm so happy you guys are coming

Ross- so you don't like us

Rydel- I love being with you guys and I don't care if I'm the only girl, it's actually fun but it's going to be fun with other girls too

Laura- I'm just worried about the babies

Rydel- it's okay

Laura- I think Rikers going to get them and hurt them

Rydel- we will all protect you guys and we won't let him hurt you guys

Laura- thanks

Carley- (starts crying)

Rydel- oh can I please get her

Laura- (laughs) sure

Rydel- YES! (runs upstairs) hey Carley

Carley- (smiles)

Rydel- (picks her up) so you like me

Carley- (puts her head on Rydels chest)

Rydel- (walks downstairs) somebody likes me

Laura- (takes Carley) she's known you for like 12 days and already like you

Rydel- I'm just that Rossome!

Ross- why does everyone say that

Rocky- because we're Rossome

Ross- whatever

Rydel- me and Ell are officially going out now

Laura- congrats!

Ross- just don't ruin the band

Rocky- he better not hurt you

Vanessa- guys calm down. They obviously love each other so let them dat and be happy

Rydel- thanks

Laura- how would you feel if nobody wanted us to he together

Ross- fine! If you guys are happy then I'm happy

Rocky- yeah. I'm sorry Delly

Rydel- thanks guys!

Ryland- (walks in) hey

Laura- me and Ness are going on tour!

Ryland- yay!

Laura- (laughs) Rydel was way more excited

Ryland- YAY!

Laura- that was better but not as good as Rydels

Rydel- YES! Ha I'm the best

Ross- no I am (kisses Laura)

Laura- no... Rydel seemed more excited than all of you combined

Rydel- I'm the winner! I'm the winner!

Laura- (laughs) yes you are

Ross- thanks Laur

Laura- sorry Rossy but she was more excited you just begged me to come and she was yelling

Ross- whatever

Rydel- (laughs) face it Ross I'm just better

Ross- she still likes me more

Rydel- I'm more like a sister

Ross- I'm more like a husband

Rydel- I'm prettier

Ross- I'm sexier

Rydel- i have better hair

Ross- I have the best hair

Rydel- I have better style

Ross- I'm a better kisser

Rydel- I've only had one kiss! that's not fair

Ross- WAIT! You actually had your first kiss! WHEN?!?!

Rydel- when Ell asked me out for the first time

Laura- (laughing) guys stop fighting and Rydel wins

Rydel- (stands up) ha! See Ross I am better than you

Ross- whatever

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