Chapter 29:

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~1 hour later~

Laura- (arrives at the hotel, gets the keys and they go into their room)

Ross- this is amazing Laur!

Laura- well it is your 18th birthday

Ross- (kisses Laura) I love you so much

Laura- I love you too

Ross- do you want to go to the beach

Laura- sure

(They put on their swim suits and go to the beach)

Ross- do you want to go in the water

Laura- sure (walks into the water with Ross)

Ross- (puts his arms around Laura's waist and kisses her) I love you

Laura- (wraps her arms around Ross's neck) I love you too

Ross- everyone is staring at us

Laura- because you're so Rossome

Ross- no it's because you're beautiful

Laura- (kisses Ross) you're the best

~later that day~

(Laura is laying out and Ross is playing with his phone)

Ross- we should leave before you burn

Laura- okay (laughs and stands up)

(A group of boys walk by staring and one guy whistles)

Laura- (laughs) that keeps happening

Ross- (grabs Laura's hand as they walk to the car) it's not funny Laur

Laura- (getting into the car) It's fine Ross. I love you and only you and nobody can change that

Ross- good (drives back to the hotel which is only 5 minutes away)

~at the hotel~

Ross- (kisses Laura)

Laura- (kisses back then pulls away) how's your birthday

Ross- good except every single guy on earth is hitting on my Laur!

Laura- (snuggles on Ross's chest) don't worry Rossy

Ross- (puts his arms around Laura) okay

Laura- I love you and can't wait for us to get married

Ross- I love you too and I'm happy you chose me

Laura- everyone would choose you

Ross- Rikers just jealous

Laura- (laughs) he is super jealous of your Rossomeness

Ross- are you going to keep saying that

Laura- yeah

Ross- okay

Laura- but seriously what person would hurt a little baby that's not even 2 weeks old

Ross- they turn 2 weeks old tomorrow!

Laura- yeah

Ross- he just wants to get back at you for choosing me but I'm going to protect you

Laura- I know you will

(There's a knock on the door)

Laura- (still in her bikini) I'll get it (walks to the door and opens it)

Riker- damn! You look so hot Laur!

Laura- what do you want Riker

Riker- I already told you (grabs Laura) I want you

Ross- (walks to the door) RIKER LEAVE!

Riker- let me think about it... NO!

Laura- I broke up with Ross so you can leave us alone now. (Starts crying) Me and him are over with. You finally got what you wanted.

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