Chapter 11:

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(Ross starts to take off Laura's shirt when... Riker walks in the room)

Riker- am I interrupting something

Ross- (get at off Laura) no

Laura- Riker-

Riker- you can stop feeling bad for me now

Laura- I can't. You really need to find someone else

Riker- well I have to get over my first true love first (leaves)

Ross- I thought he would never leave (goes back to kissing Laura)

Laura- (pulls away) did you even listen to what he said

Ross- yeah you should stop

Laura- no, he said I'm his first true love. I really upset him

Ross- he'll get over it

Laura- (stands up) HES YOUR BROTHER! (goes into Rikers room) hey

Riker- I'm sorry I said all that in front of Ross I just-

Laura- (kisses him) it's fine

Riker- we can't do this. You're with Ross now. I'm going to let you go. I'll find someone else to spend my life with, you will have Ross, and you can keep our beautiful baby

Laura- (starts crying) I hate this

Riker- (puts his arm around Laura's waist and pulls her close) just listen to me. I'm letting you go. Trust me, this is what you want. You don't have to choose, I'll chose for you. Pick Ross, you love him more. You said it yourself

Laura- I might have been wrong. You were my first true love too!

Riker- just go to Ross and be happy. I can tell you don't really love me

Laura- (hugs Riker) let's just stay like this for awhile

Riker- okay

Laura- promise me you won't let go

Riker- I promise (hold Laura tighter)

Laura- maybe we should be together

Riker- maybe you're right

Laura- I am. What do you think

Riker- I think you're absolutely right

Laura- I can't believe I'm 3 months pregnant

Riker- we're going to have a beautiful baby

Laura- Derek

Riker- or Olivia

Laura- I think we picked perfect names

Riker- the best

Laura- perfect names for a perfect baby

Riker- or babies

Laura- what do you mean

Riker- well you haven't gotten an ultrasound yet and you could be having 10 babies for all we know

Laura- I have an appointment now

(They drive to the place and come back a couple hours later)

Laura- we have great news


Laura- I'm pregnant-

Rydel- we know that

Laura- (laughs) let me finish! I'm having twins!

Ross- (runs to his room and screams into his pillow)

Laura- don't worry I'm not going to run up there and kiss him

Riker- good

Rydel- well are they boys or girls or one of each

Laura- they are both girls!

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