Chapter 80:

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~the next day~

Laura- (wakes up) Rossy!

Ross- what

Laura- I don't feel good

Ross- (looks at Laura and feels her head) you're burning!

Laura- I feel like I'm going to die

Ross- you should go to the hospital

Laura- NO!

Ross- okay

~15 minutes later~

Ross- (walks back into Laura's room) Olivia and Carley are at Rydel's house and Carson is sick too (sets Carson down in his bed in Laura and Ross's room)

Laura- make sure he's okay

Ross- I really think you guys should go to the hospital

Laura- I'm not going

Ross- you're really really sick

Laura- I don't care

Ross- you know what.... whatever (walks downstairs)

Vanessa- (pulls away from kissing Rocky) what's wrong with Laura

Ross- I don't know but she doesn't want to go to the hospital and I'm worried about her and Carson

Vanessa- he's sick too?

Ross- yeah

Rocky- where is Olivia and Carley

Ross- with Rydel. I didn't want then to get sick too

Rocky- yeah well I hope they feel better (leaves with Vanessa)

Ross- (runs out of the house and starts to walk)

????- (runs into Ross and falls)

Ross- (helps her up) sorry

????- it's fine. I'm Kathryn

Ross- I'm-

Kathryn- I know who you are

Ross- oh

Kathryn- I'm not trying to act like a stalker or anything

Ross- it's fine

Kathryn- so would you like to go out sometime

Ross- I have a wife

Kathryn- yeah Laura

Ross- yeah

Kathryn- but that doesn't mean we can't... you know

Ross- that's exactly what that means

Kathryn- why not

Ross- because I'm married

Kathryn- (moves close to Ross where there's no space between them) and?

Ross- (backs away from her) and I love Laura

Kathryn- and I love your band and all the hot members

Ross- but you're like 15

Kathryn- so

Ross- you're too young for any of us and we're all dating people

Kathryn- except for Ryland but who wants him

Ross- you need to back off

Kathryn- (hands Ross a piece of paper) call me (winks and walks off)

Ross- (walks home, throws away the paper, and walks upstairs to Laura) how do you feel

Laura- bad

Ross- you should really go to the hospital

Laura- no

Ross- okay

Vanessa- (walks in) um we're going to take Carson so you can get rest (grabs Carson and walks back downstairs) ready?

Rocky- yeah

(Rocky and Vanessa take Carson the the hospital)

~later that day~

(At the hospital)

Doctor- (walks out) he has meningitis

Vanessa- how did he get it

Doctor- he was around a bacteria that caused it and he's really sick

Vanessa- from what

Doctor- well I don't know but...

Doctor #2- we have someone else here

Doctor- (walks over to the other people)

Ross- my wife is sick

Doctor- (checks Laura) she had meningitis

Ross- how did she get it

Doctor- I don't know but we can run more tests to find out

Ross- okay

Doctor- oh and your son is here too

Ross- can you run tests on him too

Doctor- okay (leaves and tests Laura and Carson and comes back a couple hours later)

Ross- did you find out anything

Doctor- well Laura has been sick since she was little...... She must have caught a sickness when she was little but it took awhile for her to get sick and Carson got it from Laura

Ross- are they going to be okay

Doctor- .....

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