Chapter 81:

3.1K 76 12

Doctor- Carson died

Ross- what!

Doctor- he got too sick

Ross- no no no no

Rocky- (walks in with Vanessa) we got this

Doctor- (nods and walks out)

Rocky- you okay?

Ross- do you think I'm okay?

Rocky- well I called everyone else and they're coming

Ross- but he's dead

Rocky- it's going to be okay

Laura- what happened

Ross- um

(Everyone walks in)

Stormie- I'm so sorry Laura!

Laura- for what

Stormie- oh you don't know yet

Ross- I just found out too

Laura- is someone going to tell me what happened

Ross- (starts crying and turns around)

Laura- someone please tell me

Stormie- um Laura sweetie.... Carson died

Laura- WHAT?!?!

Stormie- he got too sick

Doctor- (walks in) how are you feeling Laura

Laura- I just want to go home

Doctor- (checks Laura) you're better so you can go home when you want to

Ross- I'll go sign the papers (leaves with the doctor)

(Everyone leaves)

Laura- (sighs and get dressed then walks out with the others)

Ross- (kisses Laura) ready

Laura- I guess

(Rydel takes the kids again so Ross and Laura can have alone time)

~with Ross and Laura~

Ross- (gets out of the car and helps Laura out)

Kathryn- (standing by their front door) hey Rossy!

Ross- what are you doing here

Kathryn- (smiles) I came to see you

Laura- what's happening

Kathryn- he never told you about me? Wow great husband you have

Laura- (looks at Ross) Rossy?

Ross- I swear I only met her once

Kathryn- once was enough (winks and walks past them bumping into Laura and leaves)

Laura- what the hell was that about

Ross- I have no idea

Laura- learn to keep your girlfriend under control (runs inside and goes up to their room)

Ross- (follows her) Laura!

Laura- what?!

Ross- don't be mad


Ross- I love you

Laura- but you don't want to settle down. You want to be able to do whatever you want with worrying about your dumb wife

Ross- Laur-

Laura- just stop!

Ross- no

Laura- so you have never looked at another girl and wanted to be with her instead?

Ross- no

Laura- are you in love with Kathryn

Ross- no

Laura- I don't believe you

Ross- Laur please trust me

Laura- you and her have something going on

Ross- (looks down)

Laura- did you and her-

Ross- (cuts her off) NO!

Laura- then what

Ross- when you were sick we kissed... but I swear it didn't mean anything

Laura- then why

Ross- I don't know

Laura- well neither do I! (packs a bag)

Ross- where are you going

Laura- anywhere but here! (runs to her car and drives to a hotel)

Hotel worker- do you have a reservation

Laura- um no but do you have any rooms

Hotel worker- (checks the computer) yeah. What's your name

Laura- Laura Lynch

Hotel worker- oh yeah! You're married to Ross right?

Laura- yeah

Hotel worker- (hands Laura a room card) room 3-28

Laura- thank you (goes to her room and falls asleep crying)

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