Chapter 52:

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Dr. Wilson- Carson isn't your kid... he was supposed to go to a different family and your real son died

Laura- (starts crying really really hard) NO!

Dr. Wilson- I'm sorry but it's true

Laura- so I never got to meet my son

Dr. Wilson- that's right and Carson's family wants him back

Laura- you can't take away my baby

Dr. Wilson- I'm sorry but it's their son and they'll be here in an hour to pick him up (leaves)

Laura- (brings Carson downstairs)

Ross- (takes him from Laura) you should go pack his stuff

Laura- (walks upstairs and comes down 10 minutes later)

Carson- mama

Laura- just remember ill always be your mama (grabs Carson and hugs him tight still crying) I love you baby

Carson- love mama

Laura- I love you so much

Carson- love dada

Ross- (hugs Carson and Laura) I love you so much Car

Carson- (starts crying) no leaf

Laura- we don't want you to leave either but your real mom wants you back

Carson- you mama

Laura- (smiles, still crying) I'll always be your mama but I'm not your real mom

Carson- real mama

(The doorbell rings)

Laura- (answers the door holding Carson) hello

Jordan- hi I'm Jordan

Laura- come in

Jordan- (walks in) I didn't mean to make you cry

Laura- it's not your fault

Jordan- I'm sorry about your son

Laura- what happened to him

Jordan- he was just sick and was in the hospital the whole time, over a year and one day he died

Laura- (keeps crying and hands Carson to Jordan)

Ross- (brings down Olivia and Carley)

Carley- no leaf

Carson- (crying) no leaf

Laura- it's going to be okay guys

Olivia- (screams and runs into a different room)

Laura- I'm sorry

Jordan- it's not your fault

Ross- (goes to find Olivia and brings her back screaming and kicking)

Olivia- (screams) NO!

Laura- it's okay

Olivia- broder [brother]

Carson- sitter [sister]

(Olivia and Carley hug Carson then Jordan takes him away)

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