Chapter 4

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Ross- (pulls away) Laura you don't really want me

Laura- yes I do

Ross- you're with Riker

Laura- but I can be with you

Ross- you're going to leave Riker for me then realize you don't want me and be upset because you want Riker back

Laura- that won't happen

Ross- are you sure

Laura- yeah but I can't break up with Riker yet

Ross- why

Laura- reasons

Ross- so you're going to cheat on him

Laura- you're worth it (kisses Ross and goes downstairs)

Riker- I didn't hear any yelling so that's good

Laura- yeah. We're good now

Riker- good (pulls Laura onto his lap)

Laura- do you really love me

Riker- yes why

Laura- um just wondering

Rydel- Laura can I talk to you

(Rydel drags Laura into her room)

Rydel- are you going to break up with him

Laura- no

Rydel- why? You love Ross not Riker

Laura- I do love him but I can't break up with him

Rydel- why

Laura- in pregnant...

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