Chapter 57:

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(The next day; everyone is at the Lynch house)

Ross- (staring at Ryland)

Ryland- do you need something

Ross- no (walks outside)

Ryland- (winks at Laura then walks outside) what do you want

Ross- I want you to stop hurting my family and you to stop loving my wife

Ryland- that won't happen

Ross- and why not

Ryland- because Laura's just amazing

Ross- STOP!

Ryland- would you rather me say s-

(Ross punches Ryland and a fight breaks out

~a couple minutes later~

Riker- (sees the fight and runs outside) stop fighting (grabs Ryland)

Rocky- (runs outside and grabs Ross) what happened

Ross- Ryland happened

Ryland- it's not my fault Laura is super hot and sexy

Ross- she's beautiful and STOP CALLING HER NAMES!

Ryland- but she's just so sexy

Ross- (gets out of Rockys grip and runs inside and kisses Laura) I love you!

Laura- I love you too! What did you do

Ross- beat up Ryland

Laura- but he's your younger brother

Ross- but you're my wife! I can't let him hurt you and our kids!

Laura- (kisses Ross) thank you

Ryland- (walks in) hey hottie!

Ross- (looks at Ryland) DUDE! STOP!

Laura- (looks at Ross)

Ryland- what's wrong babe

Laura- (hides her face in Ross's chest) Rossy!

Ross- (puts his arms around Laura and whispers) it's okay Laur!

Ryland- yeah Laur! It's all okay

Olivia- (screams)

Ross- what did you do (runs upstairs with Laura) are you okay

Olivia- Jordan was here

Ross- what did she do

Olivia- she hurt me

Laura- what hurts baby

Olivia- (points to her arm)

Laura- (pulls up Olivia's long sleeve shirt) she hurt you

Olivia- (nods crying)

Laura- (picks her up) let's go home

Ross- (gets Carson and Carley and drives home)

(Laura and Ross put Olivia, Carley, and Carson to bed and get into their own bed)

Laura- I love you Rossy (snuggles up to Ross's chest and falls asleep)

Ross- (kisses Laura's forehead and falls asleep)

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