Chapter 77:

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Vanessa- (gets up and runs into Rocky's room, crying)


Vanessa- Riker

Rocky- what did he do

Vanessa- I told him I might have feelings for him and he said i was just jealous of Ashley and started yelling at me and said i was wrong and he's still a jerk so he grabbed me and i tried to pull away but he grabbed harder and then he-

Rocky- (cuts Vanessa off by kissing her) well i still have feelings for you

Vanessa- what about Lola

Lola- (standing in the doorway) yeah what about me

Rocky- um... I

Lola- save it... i'm done (leaves)

Vanessa- i'm sorry Rocky

Rocky- it's not your fault

Vanessa- yeah it is

Rocky- no it's not, I love you

Vanessa- you do?

Rocky- yeah... (gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring) will you marry me?

Vanessa- yes yes yes!

Rocky- (pulls Vanessa into a hug spins her around and sets her down gentely kissing her) lets go tell eveybody (runs downstairs holding hands with Vanessa) WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!

Riker- You like that thing? UGH!

Rocky- Shut up! She's better than your thing! (runs back to his room with Vanessa)

Vanessa- so-

Rocky- (kisses Vanessa)

Vanessa- (kisses back)

Rocky- (kisses more passionately....... then Vanessa fell asleep in Rocky's arms)

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