Chapter 78:

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~the next day~

Vanessa- (woke up in a guest room at Laura's house) crap! Rocky and Lola are still together and I have nobody! (gets up and walks downstairs)

Riker- hey I came to talk to you

Vanessa- i realized I really don't have feelings for you

Riker- okay I was on my way to Ashley's lacrosse game and I wanted to see if you changed your mind

Vanessa- I'm never going to

Riker- (gets sad) oh okay (leaves)

Laura- what was that about

Vanessa- well I guess I had a dream last night that I told Riker I liked him and then he hurt me and so I went to Rocky and he proposed and I said yes and that was it

Laura- soooo..........

Vanessa- so I realized if I go to Riker, he will just hurt me again

Laura- soooo......

Vanessa- I still like Rocky

Laura- but.........

Vanessa- he's with Lola

Laura- soo.......

Vanessa- they have to break up! (runs out of the house and drives to the Lynch house and runs inside and into Rocky's room) Rocky!

Lola- what the hell Vanessa

Rocky- what's up

Vanessa- can I talk to you

Lola- no you can't

Rocky- (gives Lola an evil stare) uh sure just let me um get dressed

Vanessa- oh okay (stands outside Rocky's door and she can hear everything going on)

Rocky- (walks to Vanessa) do you need something

Vanessa- yeah

Rocky- what do you want

Vanessa- you

Rocky- oh well um......

Vanessa- I get it. You're totally over me so I'll just see you later (starts to walk away)

Rocky- (grabs her arm) wait!

Vanessa- (remembers her dream) please let go of me

Rocky- (let's go of Vanessa) maybe I still have feelings for you too

Vanessa- (turns around) what?

Rocky- I have feelings for you too but I still think we shouldn't be together

Vanessa- oh

Rocky- (hugs Vanessa and whispers) I still love you and I always will but I think you were right

Vanessa- (starts crying and runs to her car and drives back to Laura's house)

Laura- what happened

Vanessa- Rocky doesn't want to be with me

Laura- are you sure

Vanessa- yeah

Olivia- (runs to Laura) hi Ness

Vanessa- (wipes her tears) hey baby

Olivia- what's wrong

Vanessa- nothing sweetie

Olivia- then why are you crying

Vanessa- umm... (looks at Laura)

Laura- well the guy she has a crush on likes someone else

Olivia- oh (whispers to Vanessa) you'll get him (runs away)

Vanessa- really?!?!

Laura- she doesn't know who it is

Vanessa- it's way more than a crush... I'm in love with him! He's just perfect!

Ross- ew

Laura- shut up Ross!

Vanessa- (goes up to her room)

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