Chapter 13:

5.9K 95 18

(The next day)

Laura- owww

Ross- what happened

Laura- I think the baby just kicked

Ross- (puts his hand on Laura's stomach) she did

Laura- (starts crying happy tears) this is great

Ross- Rikers baby is healthy

Laura- Ross don't be that way. You know I love you now and this happened a long time ago

Ross- I know but I can't imagine his baby calling me dad or whatever. This isn't my baby

Laura- that doesn't mean she will love you any less. A dad is someone that loves their kid. Anyone that loves this baby could be her dad.

Ross- you're right but it's weird that I'm going to be her dad

Laura- well do you love me?

Ross- of course

Laura- then you will have to love this baby or you can't have me

Ross- I will love the baby no matter what

Laura- good

Ross- (kisses Laura) I will love you and this baby

Laura- (smiles) good

(With Riker and his friends)

Jake (Rikers friend)- dude, did you see that girl? I'd do her

Riker- (doesn't look up) she's cute

Eric (Rikers other friend)- you didn't even look up

Riker- (quickly looks up and looks back down) she's okay

Jake- (gets Riker a "drink") you'll feel better after this

Riker- (slams it and two other drinks)

Eric- now you can go and find yourself a girl

Riker- (stands up and tried to find a girl but he knows she will never be better than his true love)

~two hours later~

Riker- (walks in the house with his new girl) hey guys

Rydel- who is that?

Riker- this is Tori

Laura- (walks downstairs) who is THAT?

Riker- her name is Tori

Tori- nice to meet you

Laura- (runs back upstairs) ugh

Ross- what happened

Laura- Riker got a girlfriend

Ross- how is that bad

Laura- it just is

(With the others)

Riker- don't take it personal

Tori- it's fine

Rydel- (goes to Ross and Laura's room) ughhh

Ross- what's wrong with you

Rydel- I hate her

Laura- me too

Ryland- (goes into their room too) ugh

Ross- (sighs) you too

Ryland- I hate her so much

Rocky- (goes to their room) what is her problem? She's all like "oh Riker hehehe" blah blah. What a brat

Ratliff- (walks into their room) someone needs to tell her to shut up! She's such a gold digging little BRAT!

Laura- so we all hate her

Rydel- she's pretty and all up on him. She's totally a gold digger

Laura- (laughs) she's not even THAT pretty

Rocky- you're way better than her

Ross- but he can't have her

Tori- (walks in) sorry wrong room (walks out)

(Everyone starts laughing super hard)

Rocky- (pretends to cough) loser

~the next day~

Riker- so did you guys like Tori

Rydel- well um... she was... how do I put this nicely... uh she is kind of a gold digger

Riker- does everyone think this

Everyone- (yells) YESSS!

Riker- oh well. I like her

Laura- I'm sorry but she doesn't like you

Riker- why do you think that

Rocky- it's kind of obvious if you have EYES!

Ratliff- or ears

(Everyone but Riker laughs)

Riker- (gets mad and runs out)

Rydel- (hits Ratliff) why would you say that

Ratliff- it's true, did you hear them last night?

Laura- I hate her so much

Ross- (looks at Laura)

Laura- please stop! I already said I love you! He's like me brother

Ross- sure

Laura- (sighs) whatever idiot

Ross- whatever

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