Chapter 6

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Stormie- hey (hugs Riker and Laura) I missed you all

Riker- we missed you but we were about to go out

Stormie- well don't let us stop you, go have fun

Riker- thanks (runs back out with Laura)

Laura- we weren't going out

Riker- I know but we can't do this with them watching (kisses Laura)

Laura- (blushes) I guess we can't

Riker- (puts his hand on Laura's stomach) I can't wait for the baby to be born

Laura- I hope it's a girl

Riker- (laughs) I bet you do

Laura- yeah

Riker- what's wrong

Laura- nothing

Riker- Laur...

Laura- I'm fine

Riker- okay well what would you want to name it if its a girl

Laura- well if it's a girl I like Olivia

Riker- that's a pretty name

Laura- yeah it sure is (looks at her stomach) what about of its a boy

Riker- how about Derek

Laura- I love it

Riker- so do you want to go somewhere

Laura- sure

(Riker and Laura go to dinner and come back about two hours later)

Laura- wow! Everyone is already sleeping

Riker- do you want to watch a movie

Laura- sure ill be back (goes to Ross's room) hey

Ross- hey Laur! I thought you were on a date

Laura- I was and I kind of still am but I thought I would come say hi

Ross- (walks up to Laura, pushes her on the wall and kisses her hard) I love you

Laura- I... I (goes back downstairs with Riker)

Ross- what did I do

Riker- ready Laur?

Laura- yeah

(They sit down and watch the movie but all Laura can think about it Ross)

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