Chapter 53:

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~1 week later~

Ross- you can't be like this forever

Laura- (staring out the window ignoring Ross)

Ross- you can't keep ignoring everyone. Carley and Olivia already lost their brother... they need their mom

Laura- (yells) LEAVE ME ALONE!

Ross- fine! (Leaves and slams the door)

Laura- (falls to the floor crying) I just want my baby back

~the next day~

Laura- (holds back the pain and the tears and goes downstairs)

Ross- (kisses Laura) are you okay

Laura- why wouldn't I be

Ross- you don't have to act strong

Laura- I'm not acting

Ross- okay

Olivia- (runs to Laura) MAMA!

Laura- (picks her up) OLIVIA!

Olivia- (starts laughing) miss Car

Laura- I do too but we'll get through this (puts Olivia down)

Olivia- (runs to the play room with Carley)

Laura- their birthday is coming up in a couple days

Ross- we need to get them something

Laura- I got it already (whispers) I planned the party and I got the presents

Ross- I bet- never mind

Laura- I know what you were going to say

Ross- I'm sorry I brought it up Laur

Laura- it's fine, you're right. I miss Carson but we have to move on and stop living in the past

Ross- (kisses Laura) Laur, you don't have to act strong for me

Laura- I know but I just don't want to think about it

Ross- okay (kisses Laura again) I live you

Laura- I love you too

~the next day~

Olivia- birthday morrow [birthday tomorrow]

Laura- you're going to have a big girl party

Olivia- partay!

Laura- (laughs) yep

Olivia- (runs into the playroom with Carley) what wrong

Carley- miss Car

Olivia- it okay I miss Car too (starts playing with the toys)

Carley- (plays with Olivia)

Laura- (watching Olivia and Carley)

Ross- (comes up behind Laura and puts his arms around her) Hey Laur

Laura- Carley's actually having fun

Ross- yeah

Laura- she hasn't done anything but cry and sit in the corner since Carson left

Ross- I know but we all have to move on

Laura- it's going to be hard

Ross- (kisses the top of Laura's head) yep


I'm going to post pictures for Olivia and Carley's birthday on Instagram

IG- @r5ersonly_2

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