Chapter 85:

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~A week later|

(Laura is awake)

Ross- (wakes up)

Laura- hey Rossy

Ross- who..... are.... you

Laura- stop joking Ross it's not funny

Ross- who's.. Ross

Laura- stop trying to be funny

Ross- I thought I was Ross

Laura- you're kidding right

Ross- I'm confused

Rydel- (walks in) now your both awake!

Ross- hey Rydel

Laura- you were lying

Ross- do you know who this is

Rydel- yeah?

Ross- well who is she

Rydel- it's Laura

Ross- who's Laura

Riker- (walks in) hey bro

Ross- hey Riker

Laura- do you seriously not know who I am

Ross- I have no clue

Laura- you know everyone but me

Ross- yeah

(Rocky and Vanessa walk in with Olivia and Carley)

Ross- who's kids are these

Laura- they're our kids

Ross- I've never had kids

Laura- yes you have

Ross- shut up. You act like you know me

Laura- (starts crying)

Riker- (sits by Laura and hugs her) she's your wife

Ross- I never got married or had kids what are you guys talking about

Doctor- (walks in) how's it going

Ross- why am I sharing a room with a random girl

Doctor- she's your wife

Ross- for the last time I never got married... especially to her

Laura- (bursts into tears)

Doctor- (does some tests on Ross) he doesn't remember Laura or the triplets and he might never remember it

Laura- when can we leave

Doctor- now if you promise not to do anything crazy

Laura- okay

(they all leave and go to Ross and Laura's house)

(Laura fell asleep in the car)

Riker- (carries Laura upstairs to her room and sets her in her bed and is about to leave

Laura- can you stay here with me

Riker- sure (lays with Laura and pulls her to his chest)

Laura- how does he not remember me

Riker- you have to make him remember

Laura- (looks into Rikers eyes) or I can move on

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