Chapter 5: Dinner

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'So, how was your first day at work?' Keira was sitting on the sofa, trying to get a handful of crisps out of the bag that was lying on her lap. With her other hand she was holding her phone to her ear. It had been a few days since Abby had moved and Keira was already missing her. She had asked Abby to keep her up to date with how she was settling in and today had been Abby's first day at Boeing.

'Loooooong! I have been introduced to so many people, I don't think I can remember them all,' Abby gasped from the other side of the phone.

'Have you built an airplane yet?' Keira giggled.

'Yes, I did. Two Boeing 737s before lunch and two after,' Keira knew Abby was rolling her eyes, although she couldn't see it.

'OK, what did you actually do today?'

'They gave me a tour around the factory, met all kinds of people and found out the food is very good,' Abby always had a close relationship with food.

'But you did like it?' Keira asked sounding interested.

'Yes! It's so huge, but I can't wait to start!'

'I'm so happy for you,' Keira exclaimed, 'you're going to be the best!'

'We'll see, I'll start with the actual work tomorrow.'

'I'm also curious how Tom will do at his new Job,' Tom was moving in the next couple of days and would start work next week. He was a lot calmer than Abby and this time Keira wasn't needed to help move. She was glad, although packing had been fun, she found moving twice within one week a bit too much. Also his brother was coming over to help him, so he would be in good hands.

'I think he'll annoy everyone, he's like a hyperactive puppy,' Abby smirked.

'Oh God, that's true. I hope he doesn't meet anyone famous in the first few months, otherwise they would never want to go back to that place.'

'Imagine him working in Formula 1 like he wants too, that would never end well,' Abby giggled.

'I think he'll forget to fix the car, because he's too busy staring at drivers and then the car will fall apart on track.'

They both laughed when they pictured that situation. The worst part was that it would probably happen if the situation came up. Tom was very skilled, but he could be star struck quite easily. Once they had been on a plane and a famous football player had been sitting in the row next to them. Tom had spent the whole flight looking at him and the guy had became more and more uncomfortable by the minute.

'And how's life going at yours?' Abby asked cheerfully.

'Same old, same old. I like working and go outside whenever I can,' Keira smiled.

'How's David?'

'Also fine I think. He has invited me to dinner tonight,' Keira said while frowning. It was true, David wanted to go out for dinner tonight. She had been confused when he had asked her, because they never went out anymore. She didn't even know why he had asked her, but he had looked excited, so she had accepted his offer. They had a table at seven, so there were still a couple of hours left before she had to get ready. She still felt weird about it, because it was so out of character for David.

'Oh, that sounds fun! Going anywhere good?' Abby asked.

'I don't even know where we're going, he said it was a surprise,' Keira didn't really know what she thought about surprises.

'Sounds very unlike David, but I'm sure it'll be fun!' Abby sounded cheerful.

'I guess it has to do, can't back out now,' Keira moaned.

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