Chapter 30: Trackside

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It was almost midday and they had just entered the paddock. They needed at least three more sets of eyes to take in everything that was going on. It was exactly like it seemed on TV, only a bit smaller. Team personnel and drivers were passing by like it was nothing and a lot of media were following them. Thursday was always the media day, so there wouldn't be any track action yet. They were wandering around and just looking at everything was enough to raise their excitement.

'So, where do we go?' Abby asked the other two when they were standing between the motor homes.

Tom shrugged his shoulders and followed a cameraman with his eyes. 'I don't know,' he said.

'Let's just go to the pit lane and peek inside the garages?' Abby suggested and she spun around to find the right direction that would lead them to the pit lane.

'Yes, I want to see the cars!' Tom yelled and his eyes were sparkling.

'Alright, if that's what you all want,' Keira laughed and she put the sunglasses she was wearing on her head.

They walked between the motor homes until they found a spot where they could enter the pit lane. A lot of people were already there and were just like them interested in seeing the cars. They were at the end with the smaller teams and there it was noticeably quieter. The Marussia's were up on jacks and a few mechanics were laying underneath the cars.

'Look, real mechanics!' Tom pointed at them to make sure they wouldn't miss it.

'You're also a real mechanic,' Abby said sounding annoyed and she rolled her eyes before pulling Tom away from the garage.

'I am?' he asked in surprise. 'I guess I am,' he added proudly.

'Come on, there's more to see,' Keira yelled at them already being at the next garage. She was observing a few mechanics working on a nose and it was amazing to see how calm and collected they were with all these people walking past.

They enjoyed strolling through the pit lane and they spotted a lot of people they knew from TV. Tom almost got run in to by Ted Kravitz's cameraman and Ted was waving with his notebook to warn him. Keira and Abby had to restrain him several times when a driver walked past and they were having a lot of fun joking about the teams. It was only when they approached the Red Bull garage that Keira remembered that they still had to inform Tom about her, eh situation.

'By the way, Tom,' she began hesitantly, 'you remember that I said that there was more to the surprise?'

Tom stopped walking and Abby almost walked into him. 'Yes?' he said expectantly. He was looking like a little school boy with his big round eyes.

'There's something that I haven't told you, so I think it's time to do that now,' Keira said nervously staring at her feet. She tried to catch Abby's eyes to signal for help, Abby however was staring at something behind her.

'Go on,' Tom said quickly.

'The one who organised all of this is actual-,' Keira began before she was suddenly interrupted. She could feel a hand on her shoulder and she turned around in surprise.

'Hey Keir,' a familiar voice said. Seb was standing right behind them and was wearing his Red Bull gear. A big smile was visible on his face and he hadn't noticed that he had interrupted something.

Keira felt her heart starting to beat faster, it always was worse when he suddenly appeared like he had done now. She could only stare into his dreamy blue eyes and to be confronted with his smile out of nowhere made it hard to breath normally. Then she quickly remembered what he had interrupted and groaned when she turned towards Tom. She had to save this and she shot a panicked look to Abby, who was staring at Seb and didn't notice.

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