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I started writing this fic last October, but I took it down to edit the chapters I had so far. So sorry it took so long!

Severus got him and Lily an empty compartment. But Lily hadn't shown up yet.

So Sev waited. Eventually, 10 minutes passed. Then 20.

He was starting to wonder if Lily was even going to catch the train.

After that thought, Lily runs in. "Sorry I took awhile; I was looking for you."

He laughs a bit. "You're fine, Lils. I was starting to think you weren't even coming though."

Now it was Lily's turn to laugh. "Why would I ditch Hogwarts?"

Severus nods. "That's true." He realized.

Lily was a good student. Aced all her classes, had good friends. He started to wonder how he deserved her.

He was a good student too, but not as good as Lily. Not to mention Lily was attractive.

Severus was close to admitting his feelings for his best friend, if a certain James Potter wasn't always in the way. He'd fallen for the flower too.

After a few minutes of being on the train, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter walked into their compartment.

"Well, well. If it isn't Snivellus." James sneers. "And Lily." he smiled when he said her name

Severus rolled his eyes. "You know not to call me that. And we don't want you here, so please go away."

"Let Lily speak for herself. Lily, can we sit with you two?" James asked

"Please do leave, James." Lily replied.

James gave her a sad expression, and started walking away, but turned around.

"You sure?" He smirked

"James." Lily snapped.

"Fine, fine." He snapped back, and really went back to his own compartment this time.

Sirius and Peter followed James, but Remus sat with them for a moment. "I'm terribly sorry about James. I've been noticing he's been treating you awfully for the longest time, Severus." Remus apologized

Severus actually smiled. "It's alright. Thank you, Remus."

Remus smiled, and stood up. "You're welcome."

After the apology, he walked back to the compartment with the Marauders.

"I hate those Marauders. Remus is the only good one." Severus sighed.

Lily smiled. "I agree. Sirius isn't all that bad either, but he can get on my nerves sometimes. And James...dear Godric, won't stop asking me out."

He laughed. "I've told him several times to leave you alone. He's never listened."

"I've told him that as well. He never listens anyway." Lily replies

Severus always got jealous when James tried to ask out Lily, though.

'That could be me, asking her out.' Severus would always think. 'But i'm too nervous to do that.'

After a few minutes of silence, Liv walks in their compartment.

"Oh, sorry you two. I've searched every compartment, looking for the Marauders. You haven't seen them, have you?" Liv asked.

"They're in the compartment right behind us, Liv." Lily told her.

She smiled. "Thank you, Lily."

She walked away, and ran to the other compartment.

"She's not so bad either. I start to feel bad for her though because she's the only girl of the Marauders." Severus says

"I agree." Lily laughs. "She's probably used to them by now though."

"Aren't you guys friends?" He asked

"We talk occasionally." Lily tells him. "I'd like to get to know her more actually. She always seems like she's in such a hurry though."

Sev nodded. "That's interesting. I've been friends with her since first year."

"Yeah, it is interesting." Lily replied, ignoring Sev's comment. "Someday i'm going to tell her that."

"It wouldn't insult her, right?" Severus wondered

"Probably not. Knowing her, she'd laugh a little bit and tell me why." Lily assured him.

Just then, the train arrived.

"We're back home." Lily smiled. She stood up, and grabbed her things.

Once Severus grabbed his things and stood up as well, she grabbed his hand, and they walked out the train together and walked toward the carriages so they could get to Hogwarts.

what do you think? I think i'm actually proud of this for once 

I think i'll do one chapter for Sev and Lily, then one for the Marauders and liv, then sev and lily, and make it a pattern. 

and sometimes, they'll all be in one chapter, or a few chapters.

I think it'll be fun to tell a few stories at once, ya know? 

I hope you enjoy this, and since this is my first chapter, I would love some feedback. :)


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