t w e n t y

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"That's it? All I have to do is take a pill and it takes care of everything?" I just had to ask Dr. Stephens.

"Yes, it requires two pills. The first, mifepristone, causes the embryo to detach from the uterine wall. and of course, two days later, I'm going to have you come back and take a pill called misoprostol. It contracts the uterus to expel the embryo. There will be heavy bleeding, with clotting and bits of tissue. It lasts about two weeks." He explained. "Now before we go through the procedure, I am going to ask you if this is something you are positive that you want to do. Are you truly sure this is something you want to do?"

I sat there with my legs crossed and my hands held together tightly. Honestly, I was wondering if this was something that I should be doing. Arguing with Bruce had me thinking just a little bit. What if I didn't get an abortion and the baby is born and it turns out to look just like Paci. I would be devastated.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I let out a deep breath and look out of the window at the trees and the picket fence. This was now or never. I'm back here in this room. It was actually about to happen. I was about to have an abortion and there is no one here to stop me.

"Yes." I answer Dr. Stephens.

"Okay. I'm going to give you the mifepristone. It will be the first pill that you take." He said to me as he held up a pink and white box. I nodded slowly. "Would you like bottled water or faucet?" He asked me.

"Faucet is fine." I say to him, just wanting the procedure over and done with.

My heart was beating rapidly and it was uncontrollable. I was really afraid to do this. And the knots in my stomach only made it worse.

Moments later, Dr. Stephens held a small cup with a white pill in it along with a cup of water. I took them both and stared down at them.

It was about to happen. And I didn't want to take any of it back. This was my life. My future. I just couldn't live everyday with my past staring back at me everyday. It would be hard. So I was doing what I knew was best for me. I just couldn't bring this baby into this world. I just couldn't.

I tossed the cup with the pill to my mouth, allowing for the pill to touch my tongue. Then I put the cup with the water to my lips and began to sip on the water, allowing for the pill to slide down my throat. And once I felt it touch the back of my throat and slide down, instant heartache had come over me.

Dr. Stephens took the cups and tossed them into the trash for me. He nodded and picked up his clipboard.

"Okay, now that that is done, I'm going to have you report back to me in two days. That will be on the fifteenth. If you go on upfront, the receptionist will print out a slip for you with your appointed date on it along with the time." He informed me.

"Okay." was all that I could say as I stand up to my feet.

Dr. Stephens walked me out of the room and I followed him to the exit. He opened the door for me and I walked out. I walked up front to the receptionist and she had taken a moment to print out my appointment slip with the date and time. I was going to have to make sure that I showed up. It was important.

I took my slip and took my phone out as I walked to my car. When I looked at the screen, I saw where I had a text from Bruce.

BRUCE(11:59am)- Ur clothes packed. Come get them.

I gasped, pure anger coming over me. I just knew good and well that he didn't so-call himself packing up my clothes. The nerve of him to do something like that. Now that we aren't together anymore, he just wants to up and kick me out?

I pay bills up in that house too. He couldn't just kick me out of the house like that. Not while I'm helping him pay bills and all of that. There's just no way.

Getting into my car, I hurry and start up the ignition and drive out of the parking lot onto the main road to head to him. I wasn't letting him punk me. And I knew that he was only doing this simply because of my decision to have an abortion. But the funny thing is, he's trying to tell me what I can and can't do with my body, but he had a whole mistress, doing whatever he wanted with his body and his tool. I remained loyal and still stayed.

As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I could see garbage bags on the porch. I even saw my Fendi suitcase resting on the chair. I rolled my eyes and killed the engine, getting out of the car. And as I walked onto the porch, I was able to see that there were more bags resting on the porch. I already knew that it was my stuff.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, twisting the knob just to find that the door was locked. Bruce was being an asshole.

I took my house key and pushed it into the positioned it to the doorknob. I pushed it inside just to find that it wasn't going to go in any further. I narrowed my eyebrows and tried to push the house key into the doorknob just to come to a realization the Bruce had the lock changed.


Frustrated, I start to bang on the door. This was starting to become too much for me. He was working my everlasting nerves, seriously. And I continued to bang on the door just to get no answer at all.

My phone had started to ring. I sighed and looked at the screen just to see that it was Bruce calling me. Now I wanted to really be petty and not answer but I knew that talking to him was actually my only chance at getting into the house if I really wanted to be inside.

I rolled my eyes and accepted the call.

"Bruce, can you open the door?" I asked, really not in the mood argue anymore. I felt we argued enough at the center and I really wasn't looking for another argument. I just wanted to get inside of the house and bring my clothes back inside.

"You don't live here. What you need to come inside for?" Bruce asked me. I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth.

"I pay bills in here too, Bruce." I say, feeling myself getting a little nauseous. "Can you just please open the door. I really need to lay down." I tell him, feeling heat waves crash into me. I wasn't feeling good at all. I knew that it had to be an effect to that pill that I took.

"You can go do all that at whoever house you going to. You ain't welcomed in here. So go."

"Bruce, are you seriously gonna act like a child right now? I'm out here feeling weak at the knees." I tell him as I push my suitcase over to sit down. It really felt like I was about to blow chunks.

"Bye, man." He said just before hanging up the phone on me. Sighing, I stand to my feet and bang on the door some more.

And I kept banging and banging and banging and banging and banging. And then I had come to realize that Bruce just wasn't going to let me in. He really wasn't going to let me in the house. He wanted me gone just that bad?

I could feel tears coming on and they were coming strong. I just shook my head and sat back down, looking at about six trash bags and my two suitcases. I knew that I was going to have to put them in the car. Bruce just wasn't going to let me back in.

No need in begging. I had too much pride. But I really hoped Bruce knew what he was doing. I really hoped. He was playing with my life and making a joke out of it. But we'll see who's gonna be laughing in the end.

He's just mad because I don't want anything to do with him and his family. And what he fail to realize is, I've taken enough from him, I've taken enough from Cheri. I've just taken enough in general.

Being married into the Golden family was the biggest mistake of my life. And I'm glad that I'm going to find my way out. And I will be taking my children too. Screw Bruce.

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