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"Look at her! She's getting so big." That voice... "I know, it's hard to believe she's only 3 years old." That was your mom talking. You knew her voice well. But the voice before, who's was it?


You feel something wet press against you're forehead. A soothing voice speaks in a low, far away tone. Your body feels stiff and you want to move. A hand lays on your thigh and you feel the breath of someone on your face. Panic washes over you at what it could be. You jump up, smacking into a brick wall. Or that's what it felt like.

You groan and hold your forehead. "D*mn it." You whisper and look up. Raph was staring down at you, rubbing his forehead as well. "Your head feels like a f*cking brick wall!" You said angrily and he smirks slightly. "I know."

You smile slightly at him as you rub your head. He reaches over and moves your hand. You look into his bright green eyes, that shine like small emeralds. "What ar-" You start but he touches your forehead gently. His thumb skims over the sensitive skin. You close your eyes as his hand slides down to your cheek. His hand moves down your neck and you feel your breath catch in your throat as his fingers grazed your shoulder.

Raph suddenly clears his throat and pulls his hand away. "You should get some rest." You open your eyes and watch him leave the room. You sigh and touch your forehead. What's going on with me? You ask yourself before laying down and falling asleep.

You'd been staying in Raph's room for the past two weeks. You didn't mind staying there. Sometimes you missed your family but you liked being with Raph. One day there was a rough knock on the door. It startled you and Raph. "Raph, can we talk?" A male voice says on the other side of the door. Raph looked to you. He stood up and cracked the door. "What do you want, Mikey?" He says gruffly. "You've been acting strange lately. What's up?" You tried to peek over Raph's broad shoulders but it was no use, he was to big. "Nothing's up. Now leave." He growls out at the voice. "Raph-" The door slams, cutting him off.

Raph growled lowly and you reached out to touch him. He looked at you, grabbing your wrist. Your eyes widen as he pulls you to him. His arms wrap around you and you tense up. He was so angry before. You smile and snuggle closer to him. You don't know why but Raph always made you feel happy.

Later that day Raph had left with his brother's. He told you to stay in his room. Being you though you didn't see the harm in leaving. You exited his room and cautiously looked around. The lair was huge. There were rooms lining the walls, a weight room, a large surveillance system set up in the corner of the large opening. There was even a small kitchen and living room.

After exploring the lair for a while you hear loud voices coming from a tunnel. "Dude, come on, you gotta tell us!" A cheerful voice says. "There's nothing to tell." Another voice says and you know it to be Raph's. You panic and quickly dart towards his room, closing the door in the neck of time.

"Raph wait!" A voice yells and you hear footsteps stop at the door. "What Leo?"
"We need to talk."
"About what?" Raph growls. "About your attitude lately." There's a moment of silence between them. "There's nothing wrong with my adittude." He growls and grips the door handle. "Raphael!" This was a new voice. It sounded hoarse. "Yes, Master Splinter?"
"Come here."
"Yes, Master Splinter." Raph sounded like a child being scolded by a parent.

Curiosity came over you as you listened to this new voice talk to Raph. You opened the door quietly and peeked out. Raph stood in the large area, his head down and his one arm held the other. He looked like a small child. You could see two turtles next to him. One you only saw the shell of and the other you could see he had glasses and a large clump of something on his back. "And we are going through food faster then ever. Now either Mikey has taken up a sudden need for more food, which I highly doubt, or you are hiding something back there." The voice sounded slightly irritated but not angry.

It's quiet as everyone stares at Raph. I have to do something. They think he's doing something bad. You walked towards the group and Raph saw you. His eyes widened as you opened your mouth. "No!" He yells and  everyone look confused. "No?"
"I, uh," He looked away and stared at his family but glanced at you nervously. "I've been super hungry lately. I'm thinking it's a growth spurt." He chuckles slightly. "Son, your 20, you can't have anymore growth spurts." Raph scuffs and rubs the back of his neck, glancing at you.

"Now I want the truth or you'll-"
"It's my fault!" You say loudly and everyone looks to you. Raph looks away and stared towards the ground. "Raphael?" The rat, standing in front of him, says. "Uh-" You move closer and continue talking. "I'm (Y/n). I stumbled upon this place a while back and Raph helped me out." You smile slightly as everyone stares at you. "Aren't you April O'Neil's kid?" A short, blue masked turtle asks you and moves closer. Raph growls silently and you stumble over your words. "H-how'd you know that?"

"She came here last week asking about her missing daughter. She brought a picture." The purple masked turtle with glasses says. He rumages through his pocket and pulls out a folded paper. "See?" He smiles as you stare at the picture of yourself. It was a small pocket book picture from picture day in school.

"Come to think of it Casey came by yesterday. Asked about his daughter too." The orange masked turtle says. "We've got two missing girls!" The blue masked turtle practically face palms. "Idiot. This is the missing girl. This is (Y/n) Jones. Casey and April's daughter."

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