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As you sat on your brother's bed your mind wondered to Raph. He looked so angry on the roof and when he saw you with (Brother's name). You didn't know why he was so angry. Or why he wanted you to go home so badly? Did he hate you?

You looked out the window as your brother walked into the room. "Hey, mom just called. She was asking about you." You didn't answer him so he continued. "I told her you were here." You snap your head to look at him. "What?!"
"(Y/n), she's worri-"
"I have to go." You say and jump up, grabbing your coat.

"(Y/n), please."
"Move." You growl at him as he just stares at you. "Why are you running away?" You don't answer him. "Why is that your M.O.?"
"It's not my M.O.. I don't have an M.O.." You growl and he crosses his arms. "Yes you do! You're always running when the going gets tough."

"No, I don't." You growl and hear the door open behind him. "I have to go." You saw and throw the window open. "(Y/n)?" Your dad walks into the room and you see his angry face. "(Y/n)!" You jump from the window, landing on a pile of trash. You quickly jump up and run down the road.

You ran to the turtle's lair. You didn't know why you did. Leo was standing there talking with someone. "Leo! Leo, where's Raph?" You blurt out and breathe heavily. Leo turns to look at you and standing there was your mom. "(Y/n)." She whispers your name and stares at you. You glare at Leo. Raph comes out holding your bag. "Most of her stuff is sti-" He stops talking when he sees you. "(Y/n), you're here." He looked surprised as you glared daggers at him.

"I can't believe this!" You shout. "You called my mom!" You yell and point at Raph. "I didn't!"
"Then why is she here?"
"(Y/n)," Your mom says your name and you look at her. "I wanted to talk to Leo and, Raph, he just happened to be talking about you. I asked him if he had your things." She pauses and you glance at Raph. He looked slightly embarressed. "I figured if I had your things you would come home."

Raph didn't meet your eyes so you looked back towards your mom. She was nervously smiling at you. "Did you tell dad I was at (Brother's name)'s?" You ask and she looks at you confused. "Casey is at (Brother's name)'s?" She asks and you raise an eyebrow. "I told him." Raph says and you all look at him. "I just wanted you to go home." He said this without looking at you. "Why? Do you hate me, that bad?" You ask and his cheeks turn pink. "No." He whispers and rubs his neck and glances at you. "Then what?" You ask and stare at him. "I-"

You turn your head and see your dad run into the lair. He rushed up to you and pulls you into a tight hug. "Dad? What are you-"
"You're coming home right now." He says and pulls away, grabbing your hand. "What? No!" You yell and try to pull your hand back. "Casey Jones!" Your mom yells and your dad stops, looking back at your mom. "April, what are you doing here?" He asks and let's go of your hand.

"I could ask you the same thing. Better yet, what were you doing at my son's house?" She growls bitterly. Your mom never was angry. You didn't know why but your dad always knew how to push her buttons. "H-how did you know that?"
"That's not important."
"Why does it matter? I was there to get our daughter back." He growls and motions to you.

"She will come home on her own time."
"You keep saying that, but yet I don't believe you." He says and rolls his eyes. "She just needed time from you! You're smothering her!"
"Smothering? How am I- Am I smothering you?" He looks to you now and your eyes widen. "W-what?"
"Are you smothered? Am I smothering you? Because your mother seems to think that."

At that moment the room is filled with screaming. Your parents argue over you and your feelings. You begin to get angry standing there, listening to them. "Enough!" You scream out but your parents keep yelling. "Shut up! Listen to me!" You yell again but are ignored. "List-"
"Hey!" Raph bellows and everyone stops talking and looking to him. He was standing next to you, a scowl on his face. "You're acting like a bunch of children." Raph says. You hadn't noticed but Leo, Donnie, and Mikey had joined in on the argument. You didn't know how you missed that but you did.

"Listen to your daughter." Raph says and everyone looks at you. You rub the back of your neck and stare back at them. "I'm not being smothered." You start and your dad laughs. "I told you!"
"Oh yeah cause you-"
"Quiet!" Raph growls again and they look back to you. "Thanks. I am, however, overwhelmed. Dad, you want me to be as great as you in ice hockey. Mom, you want to spend so much time together. But me, I want to focus on school. I want to be a (occupation). And in order to do that I need to ditch the sports and I need a day or two to myself. I'm failing (worst class). That's why I ran away. I knew dad didn't want me to quit the team but I don't want to do it anymore." You finish and they look at you.

"Honey, that's fine. Why didn't you just talk to us?" Your mom says and smiles moving over to you. "The same reason you didn't tell me about Raph and his brothers." You say this and your mom's eyes widen. "I- what- you-" She didn't know what to say. "I know everything mom. I remember it all."

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