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Three months later...

After you had told the turtles Raph was gone everything seemed to go back the way it was before you met them. You never went to the lair again. Your parents never talked about the brothers or Raph. Everyone acted like the last few months never happened. The only thing that changed was your parents getting back together.

You sat on the edge of your balcony, staring out at the city. Your cheek rested on your knee as your other leg dangled off the edge. You sighed and closed your eyes. Music was playing in your room and you could just faintly make out the words.

"You were the shadow to my light, did you feel us? Another start, you fade away. Afraid our aim was out of sight. Wanna see us? Alive?

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?

Was it all in my fantasy?

Where are you now?

Were you only imaginary?

Where are you now?

Under the sea
Under the sea

Where are you now?

Another dream, these monsters running wild inside of me, I'm faded.

I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded

These shallow water's never met what I needed
I'm letting go, a deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing, alive

Where are you now?
Where are you now?

Under the bright, but faded lights, you set my heart on fire

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?

Under the sea
Under the sea

Where are you now?

Another dream, these monsters running wild inside of me, I'm faded.

I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded"

You breathed out and opened your eyes. "That was beautiful." A voice said and you jumped. You turned towards the voice but saw nobody there. You look around and shake your head. "Sing for me again." The voice came again this time it was closer. You looked around again, you wanted to find the person talking but there was no one. "I'm faded." The voice whispers in your ear and you jump up. The hair on the back of your neck stood up. "W-who's there?" You ask but nobody answers. You feel a chill run through your body as you climb back into your room, closing your window. "Maybe I need more sleep." You whisper and head to bed.

Images flash in your mind as you sleep. You toss and turn in your bed."Raph?" You hear yourself whisper in your head. You roll over and whimper as more images flash by. "I'm not coming back." Your heart pounded and you felt sick. "I hurt you." More flashes and you see Raph fall backwards. Before he disappeared he was standing in front of you again. "I love you, Raph." You cry in your sleep, knowing what came next. "(Y/n), I don't love you." Before you can say or do anything Raph steps backwards and falls off the bridge.

"Noooooo!" You scream and sit up right. Your mouth was dry, your throat hurt, and you felt like you were going to be sick. "What's wrong? Are you alright, baby?" Your mom asks rushing into your room and pulling you into a hug. You suddenly begin crying and she just rocked you. "Shh, it's alright. Mommy's here. I got you."

Raph died. You knew this. Your mind knew this. That's why it never leaves you alone. Ever since you left the lair you've had that dream. Your mind wanted you to remember it. Every detail. You could go the whole day without thinking about Raph but as soon as you laid down to sleep it's all your mind could muster up.

"Mom, I don't-"
"Come on. It's summer break. Let's go." Your mom says as you are pulled towards the bus. "But, mom, I really don't-" It was to late. She had drug you into the bus and sat you down. Your mom wanted to go to the mall. She thought a little girl time would be good for you. She also just wanted to do something 'fun' because your dad was away on business so it was just you two.

When you got to the mall your mom drug you into every store. Didn't matter if you didn't need anything from it. She just wanted to buy useless junk. "Mom, we really don't need another toaster." You grumble as she hands you the bag. "You never know." She smiles and you roll your eyes. "Come on, we need matching outfits."
"Mom, we really don't."
"Oh hush."

At the end of the shopping trip you left the mall with dozens of things you didn't need. Good thing they were all returnable. When you got home your mom handed you your things and you ran to your room. You couldn't wait to climb into bed and sleep your troubles away.

After taking a shower and putting on your pajamas you make your way to your room. As you walk in you realize the window was wide open. "I must have forgotten to close it." You scuff and walk towards it. As you do there's an uneasy feeling that rises from the pit of your stomach. You stop in front of the curtains. The ends of them brushing your legs. As you open them to get to the window you see a note taped to the inside of the window.

Your hands shakily take the paper from the window. You slowly unfold it and see your name written in red ink.


These shallow water's never met what I needed.
I'm letting go, a deeper dive.
Eternal silence of the sea.
I'm breathing, alive.

, Red

Your eyes raise from the note when red flashes by. You squint to see what sits ouside your window but as you do a chill runs down your spine and you turn around, feeling as if someone is there. Nobody is of course. You turn back and see nothing outside. You look back to the paper and it's just a white piece of paper. "W-what's going on?"

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