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Casey pounded on the door. "Casey I don't think-" He pounds on the door again. "We've been at this for an hour. He's not here." As soon as I say that the door swings open. "What the hell do you want?" Growled a voice and I glared at him. "Are you kidding me?" Raph looks to me. He looked like a complete wreck and he reeked of B.O. "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?"
"My daughter's missing." I say and he scuffs. "So? I don't care."
"You piece of sh-" I start but he lunges and Casey shields me. "Whoa whoa whoa! Let's calm down. We're here to ask for your help."

Raph growls and folds his arms. "Why would I help? I don't care what happens to her. She's not my responsibility." I growl at the turtle. "Now listen here, you're going to help find my daughter or else." He scuffs and rolls his eyes. "Or else what?"

Raph grumbled behind us as we walked towards the building we suspected had stolen (Y/n). "Are you sure? This looks like Verns home." I say but Raph just walks up to the door. "She's here. I know it." I grab him and pull his towards me. "Raph, we need a plan. You can't just go barging in there. You need to think this through." He sighs and looks to the building. "Fine. We'll stake it out and see if there's any signs of (Y/n) being here. If there's not we'll either go in or leave."


You breathed heavily into the floor. Black shoes stood in your vision. "Look are you done this whole 'he's coming to save me' thing? I'm not comfortable treating my little Jack Rabbit this way." He kneels down and you glare at him. "I would spit in your face but I don't have enough water in my body to produce it." You say and look away.

He gave you water ever three days, and just enough food that you wouldn't die. You couldn't handle this. You wanted to give in but you couldn't. You knew Raph cared and you knew he was coming. He wouldn't let you die... would he?


"We've been here for days, why can't we go in? My daughter could be dead or worse." Casey complained to Raph, who wasn't listening. He was just staring at the building. "Raph-" I start but he shushes me.

I look towards the building and see the door open. Men in blsck were carrying boxes into the home. As they entered the home they left the door open. "Now's our chance, let's go." He says and leaves out hideout, Casey and I follow. Raph stalks towards the door at a hurried pace. At the door he looks around and waves us inside.

He moves forward along the corridor. It was dark and we couldn't see anything. Suddenly lights came on and it was so bright it plinded me. I cry out and throw my arms over my face. The crackling of a loudspeaker comes on and there's laughter. I lower my arms, I know that laugh. "Welcome to my playhouse!" He chuckles coldly and I look around for him. "Vern! Where's my daughter?" I  yell and hear more laughter. "Nah ah ah. That's not how you play the game April O'Neil."
"Give me my daughter you creep!" Casey yells and the wall opens up where he was banging. "What th-" A cattle prod came out and zapped Casey in the chest. He screams and falls backwards.

I jump onto the ground next to him. Before I touch him the voice comes out. "Don't touch him. There's 10000 volts running through his body."
"He should be dead!" I shout and Vern laughs. "He's not yet. I'd say you have about twenty seconds before he is though. Let the games begin!"

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