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"I can't believe her!" I growl and punch the ledge of the building. "Can you really blame her?" My brother, Donnie, says as he scans our surrounds. "Yes I can." I growl again and Leo rolls his eyes. "Well I don't. You were a real jerk." I throw my arms up. "How?"
"You told her to go home!"
"Well she should. Don't you think she should? Casey and April are worried about her!" Leo lowers his gaze then. "You never considered April's feelings in this did you?" I ask and he continues to look down.

"We've known April for so long. We've seen how happy being a mother has made her. You should know how much she loves (Y/n)." Leo lifts his head and looks out at the city. "Yeah I know." He whispers and I internally smile, finally proving my brother wrong on something. "Well that's why she's going home. She needs to see just how much they care about her." Donnie snorts. "What?"
"How do you even know she went home?" He asks and smirks. "I just know. Why?"

Donnie hands me his goggles and points down to the street a few blocks over. I put them over my eyes and squint. There was a girl walking down the sidewalk. Her hands were stuffed into her pockets and she looked like she was mumbling angerly to herself. She turned around to look over her shoulder and I saw her face. "(Y/n)." I whisper and continue to watch her. I felt like some kind of stalker but I didn't care.

She continued to walk for a little ways before a boy came around the corner. She stopped and smiled at him. He smiled back and opened his arms to her, she hugged the boy. They said something to each other and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder before walking down the sidewalk. I growl and slam the goggles down. "Hey!" Donnie yells but I ignore him as I jump from the building.

Not caring about being seen by the boy I grab (Y/n)'s wrist and turn her around to face me. Her eyes widen and she looked somewhat scared. "What are you doing?" She asks and her expression turns to one of anger. "I could ask you the same question." I growl and she glares at me, ripping her wrist back. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I told you to go home."
"I am."
"Bull. Who's this guy then?" I point to the unamused boy staring on behind her. "This is (Brother's name)." She says it matter-of-factly.

I raise an eyebrow and grit my teeth. "That is?"
"Don't you want to know." She says and smiles at me. "Look, buddy-"
"Shut up." I growl and glare at him. He raises an eyebrow. "I just want to get home so, (Y/n), you coming?"
"Yeah. Goodbye Raph." She says bitterly and walks away with the boy. I growl and stomp back the way I came.

I push Mikey out of my way when I enter the lair. He crys out but I ignore him and head straight to Donnie and his computers. "Donnie." I growl and he looks up at me. "Yeah?"
"Look something up for me." He raises and eyebrow and I glare at him. "The boy?" He asks and I look to the screen. "(Brother's name), find him." I growl. "I kind of need a last name."
"Well I don't have one!" Donnie rolls his eyes and begins his search. "Call me when you find something." He grumbles a reply and I walk away.

I went to the kitchen and found Leo in there. He looked up at me and I groaned. "Raph, we need to talk."
"No, we don't Leo." I walk past him and open the fridge. "D*mn it Raph." Leo slams the door of the fridge shut and I glare at him. "You can't just run off like that."
"I was trying to make sure she was going home."
"No you weren't." I growl and narrow my eyes at him. "Fine. I was protecting her."
"From who?"
"That boy!" Leo rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "(Y/n) doesn't need your protection." I open my mouth but he continues talking. "She's a big girl. She can handle herself."
"I know that!" I yell. "Then why so you want to protect her!?"

I'm silent then. Why did I want to protect her? Leo shakes his head. "Oh Raph, don't tell me." He stops and rubs his face. "Are you in love with her?" His question threw me off and I look at him. "What? No!"
"Raph don't lie to me."
"I'm not!" I growl and Leo looks away. "Okay." He leaves me then. I stand there in silence for a few moments. Finally, I made my way to my room. I walked inside and shut the door. As I crawled into bed there was only one thing on my mind, did I love (Y/n)?

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