Part 1

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Lothal, aboard the Ghost, 1017, 3273 LY

     White-armored troops fired blasterbolts at a Mandalorian, a boy, and an adult human male. The adult had a blazing blue lightsaber out, deflecting whizzing bolts back at the original shooters. The Mandalorian fired back with her own blasts, lying troopers down. As for the boy, he poured yellow energy at the bucketheads, stunning them. 

     The Mandalorian, Sabine, watched the boy closely. This was his, Ezra's, third mission with the Ghost crew. The kid, to her, was doing well, but Kanan probably had other thoughts. Yellow energy stopped pouring from his slingshot, and Sabine looked over, worried. Ezra stood crouched, ready to jump. 

     Sabine shot a nearby trooper without really looking. A trooper shot at Ezra, but the boy jumped into the air, flipped, and came down, left leg outstretched. She returned her attention to Kanan, who was blocking bolts from two bucketheads. ''Down!'' she yelled, and Kanan ducked. She put a blast in each of their faces. They dropped quietly.

     A cry turned her attention back to Ezra. The boy fell to his knees, hand clenched at his chest, and fell onto his stomach. Sabine shrieked, ''Ezra!'' 

     Kanan heard her yell, and looked at her after dropping the last buckethead. Seeing the crumpled child, he growled, ''Get the kid on board.''

     ''What about you?'' Sabine inquired, a little worried. 

     ''I'm going to get what we came here for,'' he explained, heading into the Imperial base, lightsaber activated and in hand. 

     Shaking her head, Sabine called, ''You're nuts!''

     The adult slowed down, eventually looking back at Sabine with a smirk. ''It isn't the craziest thing I've ever done! Worry about Ezra!''

     Seeing the sense in his words, Sabine looked to Ezra, who didn't even twitch. Grabbing his ankles, she dragged his limp form across the concrete. The kid weighed almost as much as she did which made it difficult to get much area covered. Peering into the distance, she saw no Kanan, but a group of white-clad troopers heading her way, blasters in arms. 

     Karabast, she thought as they readied their weapons. She felt relieved, though, when she heard a familiar Lasat snarl and blasts poured past her and Ezra, dropping two troopers before any of the others could pop one off. 

     Dropping Ezra's feet, Sabine grabbed her blasters and made it rain blasterbolts. She knocked another two down before she hollered, ''Zeb! Get Ezra! I'll cover you!'' Through the sounds of blasts from both her and the bucketheads, Sabine didn't know if Zeb had heard her or not, but she guessed he did. She hoped he did.

     As the fiery green bolts began to cease to come, Sabine heard Zeb holler, ''Come on, Sabine! I got the kid on board!'' Sabine knocked the last one to the concrete, then ran for the safety of the Ghost. Once in the cargo bay, she turned to the base to watch a blue-lit Kanan heading towards them at a running pace.

     ''Tell Hera to get going!'' Kanan yelled. Sabine turned to Zeb, who nodded, and the ship shuddered shortly after with the takeoff. She watched as blasts poured at the Jedi, and he blocked them swiftly. ''See you boys later,'' he smoothly commented, smirking, the used the Force to leap onto the ramp. ''Bye.'' The Mandalorian smiled as she watched Kanan give a mock salute.

     Kanan then turned to her with a quizzical look. ''What is it?'' he wondered. Sabine shrugged, giving him the I-haven't-had-time-to-see look. The older man nodded, jogging towards the cockpit. Sabine bent down to the still form of Ezra and lifted his head gently. Nothing. She tapped his cheek lightly, but he didn't stir. 

     Frowning, Sabine sat back on her heels. Ezra was clenching his chest when he fell, so he had been shot in the chest. She removed his vest gently, examining his shirt near the chest area for shade differences. Nothing. Cringing, she clenched her fists. I have to check. I have to be sure even if it is uncomfortable. 

     Sabine grabbed Ezra's shirt, lifting it up to his chest. No blood, no blasterbolt wound. Just a bunch of old scars, who knew where they came from. She quickly put his shirt down, then his vest back on. Ezra hadn't moved the whole time she examined him. ''What is is?'' Kanan repeated, causing her to jump.

     She stuttered, ''Uh, it was a, uh, stun bolt. Pretty powerful, too. How long will he be out?''

     The adult glided over to where Sabine crouched, then placed his hand over Ezra's forehead. ''The bolt was strong enough to knock a Wookie unconscious for a couple hours. For a Jedi Master, it would be three hours. Experienced Knight, four. A poorly trained student would be six hours. A Force-sensitive-What's the time?''

     Sabine checked her chrono. ''1027.''

     ''The rest of the day,'' he affirmed. Then Kanan looked at his feet in thought. ''Maybe the whole night,'' he guessed, his eyes glassy with a memory of some sort when he looked up at Sabine. 

     The Mandalorian guessed that it had to do with Ezra. Looking at the unconscious boy, she wondered, ''What about a being like me? Not Force-sensitive?''

     A small pause. ''A day at least. Depends.''

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