Part 4

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Rebel fleet, hyperspace, 2139, 3274 LY

     Everything was quiet aboard the Ghost. Of course, Hera knew this couldn't last long. It never did. She still had to get accustomed to not being alone anymore...they all did. Especially Kanan, who didn't much care for a rebellion. She knew that. She knew almost everything there was to know about the Jedi. 

     Speaking of Kanan, she was glad to have him back. What Hera didn't know is what the Empire did to him. What had he endured? What had been said, what had been done? What had been felt? Would he ever tell her?

     Kanan had just gone to bed. Perhaps he was still up. Maybe he would talk to Hera. Maybe he'd tell her what happened, what had been said and done to him. Maybe he wouldn't. How could she know?

     As she walked toward his cabin, Hera thought these things. What stopped her in her tracks was a yell from Kanan's cabin. She ran into the room, not knowing what to expect. Kanan's eyes were screwed tightly shut, and his whole body was rigid. His jaw tightly shut, he yelled again, his back arching in pain. 

     They did something to him. Hera knew, or he wouldn't be like this. Rushing over to him, she grabbed his shoulders, shaking them hard enough to stir him from his nightmare. Kanan looked disoriented when he opened his teal eyes, blinking them multiple times before he croaked, ''Hera?''

     ''Shh, love,'' Hera cooed in a soft voice. ''It's alright, you're safe. What happened?'' And Kanan told her. Every dark detail.


Rebel fleet, hyperspace, outside Lothal system, 1927, 3277 LY

     Ezra felt tears roll down his cheek. His homeworld, the only home he knew besides the Ghost, and now they have to leave. The Empire took his parents away, his home away, and now he can't even go to his homeworld. Why?

     Sabine sat in the chair next to him behind the copilot's chair. She looked at him, saw the tears, and gave an empathetic smile. ''I know how you feel.''

     ''Do you?'' Ezra growled, still watching the blue streaks of hyperspace. He turned to her after a brief pause. ''Do you, Sabine?''

     The Mandalorian spun her chair to fully face Ezra, who had his face in his hands. ''Yes, Ezra, I do,'' she affirmed, softening her gaze. ''I haven't been to Mandalore since I left to join the Imperial academy. Mandalore was home. Now...the Ghost is all I have.''

     Standing up, Ezra looked her in the eye with his deep, sparkling blue eyes. Then he did something unexpected. He hugged her. And for once, she didn't turn away.

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