Part 13

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Amusement Park, Alderaan, 1002, 3275 LY

     Alongside Ezra, Kanera walked one of the many paved streets of Alderaan. She hadn't been off of Lothal in four years, and she had forgotten how big the galaxy could be. Unlike Ezra, she wasn't a native of Lothal. She had moved there by ways none understood.

     As the two walked, Kanera wondered if she could love again. Perhaps she could, but it wasn't likely. She had seen things she shouldn't have for her age. People have betrayed her. Her past was not light. It was not very good after the age of ten. Since her parents were killed.

     ''What's bothering you?'' Ezra inquired out of the blue. Kanera jumped, not used to him doing that. Blushing, she shrugged. He faced ahead, not pushing her to answer. She enjoyed his company; he was a good friend and understood her in a way. Maybe not everything, but he could relate to her past. Even only in a small manner.

     White-armored troopers rounded the corner, catching sight of her. ''Halt, Jedi!'' the leader growled. Kanera stopped, holding her arms in the air. She wasn't a Jedi, why did they think she was? ''Name?''

     ''Kanera,'' she answered, hands up in surrender. Ezra wasn't beside her, especially when she needed him. One buckethead looked it up on his datapad, then showed the squadron leader. 

     He read off: ''Kanera Reybel Secura-Loss. Age 16. Female Twi'lek. Homeworld is Ryloth. Daughter of Gessu Loss and-''

     ''What is her relation to Aayla Secura?''

     He looked it up. ''Niece.''

     Just then, Ezra ran up, waving his arms. ''Sirs, sirs! I'm so sorry about the inconvenience I've caused you, but she didn't follow me.''

     Almost immediately, Kanera caught on and bowed her head humbly. The squad leader growled, ''Keep a tighter hold, boy.'' Then he signaled to his men, going back on their patrol.

     ''That was close,'' Ezra murmured, flashing a grin at Kanera. ''You won't believe how many times I've had to do that.'' What he didn't realize was that a lot of this was true. Almost all of it was true.

     Her mother was getting dinner ready when five armored figures bearing blasters burst into the house. ''Get down!'' her mother yelled frantically. Kanera bent down, not understanding what was going on or why. 

     The lead Twi'lek growled, ''Securas, I'm going to kill you in front of your daughter, and then I will sell her into slavery.'' She didn't know at the time that the Securas were being hated because of her aunt. As her mother, Loka, pleaded, there were two pops. Kanera looked away, but she knew what had happened. They had killed her parents.

    Two strong arms grabbed Kanera. She struggled, trying to yank her arms from the male Twi'leks, but it was no use. Try as she might, she couldn't get them loose. Not even biting, pinching, and kicking worked. There was a crack against her temple, and then there was nothing. 

     She remembered they sold her to someone on Ord Mantell. After that, she was sold to someone on Lothal who felt bad for her, and that person let her go. Then she was on her own for four years. That was her childhood. That happened when she was ten.

     ''Kanera?'' Ezra asked, shaking her slightly. Startled, she blinked, turning to regard him. ''You zoned out. Are you okay?''

     She muttered, ''I'm fine. Just thinking.''

     ''Well, stop thinking and try to have some fun.'' And she did.

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