Children of the Jedi

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Final chapter! Enjoy!  (Deviantart: aiyanalupusrisia)

Final chapter! Enjoy!  (Deviantart: aiyanalupusrisia)

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Cophrigin V, 2133, 3276 LY

     A lone A-wing found its way to the coordinates of Maul and the captured Ghost. The blades of grass were covered in a cloud of dust as the landing gears deployed. The stars glittered in the dark sky, twilight long befallen. A silver claw hung low in the sky, barely illuminating the beings who stood nearby the landing A-wing. 

     When the canopy opened, a shadowed male figure climbed his way out of the back. The A-wing is a two-seater by design, so Kanera knew that if the shadowed figure climbed out of the back, someone was piloting. 

     A slight breeze sent chills through Kana's body, causing her to shiver. On the world the Sith male took them to, it was a cold evening. The uninhabitable star hung low and large in the sky in the opposite direction of one of the small moons. 

     The shadowed figure became illuminated by the light of the star as he stepped forward, two objects in his hand. It was Kanan, Kanera's father and mentor. In his hands, he held a triangular prism and a square prism. The holocrons, both Jedi and Sith.

     From behind her, Maul stepped forward, an eager glint in his eyes. ''Hello, Master Jedi,'' he sneered. ''A pleasure doing business with you.''

     ''The pleasure's all yours,'' Kanan growled, tossing the Sith the holocrons. ''Now give me back my family.''

     Maul gestured to Kana and everyone else: Snow, Caleb, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper. ''They're all yours, Master Jedi.'' Kana stood first, timidly heading towards Kanan and the A-wing. The others soon followed as Maul growled, ''I would like my apprentice's help with the holocrons.''

     Immediately, Ezra growled, ''No. And I am not your apprentice.'' Kana felt a rush of pride for her best friend and role model. He took charge when needed, and didn't panic. Most of the time. He only panicked when he heard his Master had been hurt. Well, that she knew about. 

     ''I can help you.'' Kanera swore she heard a hint of desperate pleading in his voice, and almost felt a hint of empathy to the once Sith Lord. Then she remembered the death of Jason, her so-called grandfather. Suddenly, she felt no empathy. ''I can help you become more powerful than you can imagine. Ezra, I see potential in you your Master does not. You and I, we could overthrow the Empire and destroy the Sith, just like you want.

     ''Just like I want. You could protect your friends. Everyone you care about. Your Master does not understand your true capabilities because he never truly embraced his. He never finished his training, my apprentice. I did. You could make sure your friends never get hurt again. You can make sure nothing happens to them like it did to Ahsoka Tano and Caleb Dume.''

     Kanera saw Ezra wince at the last sentence. The teen looked down, contemplating what Maul had said. Kanan sent him a warning look, but his oldest Padawan didn't see it. A convor cried out in the night, and Ezra stepped forward, determination in his expression. Kanera held her breath. ''Okay,'' Ezra stated. ''Show me.''

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