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Capital City, Lothal, 1531, 3276 LY

     Caleb and Ezra had talked on multiple occasions, learning more about each other. Caleb roamed the Capital City of Lothal, and wondered what significance it held for his newfound family. They often returned here which made it somewhat significant to everyone. Everyone but him.

     Maybe it was because it was where his dad had found his sister. No matter. Caleb was here, and he just had to explore while everyone else got supplies. He was curious whether he admitted it or not. He wouldn't, but everyone knew. 

     The ten-year-old sensed someone behind him, and turned to see, using Force sight, a Besalisk with a human girl behind him. The girl was his age with snow-white hair and pale blue eyes, with a satin black knee-length dress and silver jewelry adorning her pale skin. The Besalisk looked rough in appearance, contrasting the girl. ''Hello, kid,'' he growled. ''Can't help but notice that you're alone. You an orphan?''

     ''No,'' Caleb answered, asserting, then began to walk away. But a rough hand grabbed his shoulder and something was jabbed into his back. A blaster. ''Really?'' Caleb shook his head. He tried not to laugh at his predicament. Why go through the trouble with a blind kid? ''Are you a coward? Shoving a blaster into the back of a blind kid?''

     The Besalisk laughed. ''Snow here is an orphan. You know, I can tell when someone's an orphan. I could tell with Snow, and I can tell with you.''

     ''Oh, so you're some kind of Jedi, able to sense things?'' he snapped sarcastically, not in the mood for what was going on. ''Can you read my mind now? Lift me with the Force?'' 

     Caleb knew that a Jedi could do those things. He was jibing at the Besalisk, trying to get a reaction. ''Kid,'' the male growled, thrusting the blaster harder into Caleb's back, ''you're real mouthy. And you know about the Jedi, who were before your time. Tell me, how do you know about it?''

     Help, he called to Ezra with the Force. Both were blind, but Ezra was a Jedi. Ezra stood a better chance than he did. And an even better one if both of them fought together. He shrugged nonchalantly and stated, ''My dad knew a Jedi.'' Kanan did know a Jedi. He is that Jedi. 

     Caleb blanked out, seeing images in his head. It kept happening more and more often, it seemed. To everyone else, he looked like he was staring off, but he was seeing their memories. He saw Ezra's of the day the older teen had died in space. He saw his father's when Kanan thought Ezra was dead years ago. Now he was seeing the Besalisk's.

     A man with a ponytail and teal eyes sitting bound in front of him. A boy with blue hair in orange crumpled on the ground. The man with the ponytail holding a lightsaber, outlined in shadows and radiating light energy. The man holding the boy. 

     Blinking, everything became black once again. The Besalisk, Gruffe, was radiating irritation. Gruffe had encountered Kanan and Ezra. He just didn't know it. All he knew was that he had connected with Jedi before. Gruffe rasped, ''I encountered a Jedi once. He was skilled, yet defeated. Then he rose against me when his student was threatened. I lost. I wish I could find him again.''

     Nodding, Caleb smiled. He knew where Kanan was. He knew where three Jedi were. But he wasn't going to tell Gruffe that a Jedi student was right in front of him. The lightsaber at his belt should speak for itself. Surprisingly, the girl murmured in a lovely voice, ''It's good to meet you. What's your name?''

     The girl smelled like lavender and peppermint. Her aura shined bright, as bright as a star, and Caleb felt his cheeks grow hot. He stuttered, ''C-Caleb. Yours?''

     ''Snow,'' she murmured in the thick, velvety voice of hers. ''Caleb is a wonderful name.''

     Caleb blushed, flattered. ''Snow is a better one.'' He sensed someone silently yet rapidly approaching. Ezra. The teen leaped into the air, spinning, and kicked out with his right foot for a roundhouse kick, landing protectively in front of his friend. ''I've got you, Caleb.'' Silently, he added, I'm not going to let you get hurt. I promise on my life that you and Kana will not die if I can help it. For Kanan's sake. 

     In his thoughts, his hand on his lightsaber blade just like Ezra's, he whispered, Don't hurt the girl. Don't hurt Snow.

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