Part 12

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Capital City, Lothal, 1522, 3275 LY

     ''Who are you?'' a blue-skinned Twi'lek hissed. She looked about Ezra's age with a slender, graceful form. She wore a blue-green tunic, a cream-colored skirt, and black leggings. Ezra, seeing her, deemed her attractive. Her jaw set, he could see her high cheekbones, one of her soft features. In her aura, however, was a toughness you only got from one place: the streets.

     The girl's teal eyes glittered in the light from Lothal's sun. Ezra had never came in contact with her before. If he had, surely he would have remembered it. He noticed that she looked a lot like Hera and a Jedi from Kanan's holocron. Jedi Master Aayla Secura.

     Ezra stepped forward a fraction, still giving the girl her space. He noticed that she was strong in the Force. ''My name is Ezra,'' he introduced. ''These are my friends.'' He indicated them with a motion of his hand, and she looked at each one of them in turn. ''What's your name?''

     She blinked; Ezra guessed she'd never been asked that before. It was a shame. He liked her. Quite a bit. She stuttered, ''K-Kanera.''

     ''Are you an orphan?''

     Kanera jumped an inch. ''H-How did you know?'' she wondered. In her expression, there was adamant confusion and wonder. 

     The seventeen-year-old boy chuckled. ''You have that aura. Don't worry; I used to be one as well.''

     Her eyes looking into his, Kanera snickered this time. ''I doubt that,'' she muttered, her gaze purposefully looking at Kanan, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine. ''What's the Code?''

     ''Eat and sleep when you can.''

     ''Never show weakness,'' Kanera growled.

     Together, the two muttered, ''Never trust anyone besides yourself.'' Ezra looked back to see the crew speechless and confused. 

     ''Considering you're here, which ones did you break?''

     ''Two and three.''

     ''You kept the first one?''

     ''Yeah.'' Ezra rubbed his neck sheepishly, glancing back at Kanan, who had composed himself and had his face turned to the left. Do you want to bring her in? he asked his Master through the Force.

     Kanan answered, It's up to Hera. He poked the Twi'lek, whispering into her ear. She nodded once.

     Ezra became spooked by something else; another train of thoughts. Kanera's. Ezra knew the Code. He must be an orphan. All orphans learn it the hard way. Ezra winced, but didn't know Kanera had winced at the same time. He had learned it the hard way. He had the scars to prove it. If this is what an orphan can become, then I should see if I could join them. Ezra is so...I don't know, it can't be described. 

     I can explain it, Ezra interrupted, startling Kanera. I am a Jedi. More or less. I'm in training to be a Jedi, Kanera. It's the Force. I sense it in you. Come with us. Kanan and I can teach you how to feel the Force and how to use it. 

     A pause. Okay.

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