Part 7

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Capital City, Lothal, 1228, 3274 LY

     A dark alley. Stereotypical for this person's aura. At least, that's what Ezra thought as he walked into it, staying aware. He was completely aware of one thing: he should have probably told Kanan a few things before leaving. But he didn't say a word. This was his business, business that had to be taken care of. Without Kanan.

     The person he was confronting was a dangerous being. Ezra knew that, but he didn't want to drag Kanan into this...whatever it may be. A mess. Definitely a mess. A mess Kanan would probably clean up, then growl at Ezra for making it. How long, he didn't know. Depended on how big the mess was. 

     Running a hand along the walls, he silently cursed himself. Ezra was making the two biggest mistakes of his life. He was: 1) walking into danger with foreknowledge of the danger and 2) doing so without anyone. 

     Ezra reached the door. It was too late to back out. He had to go through with this and hope he lived to see tomorrow. If not...only four beings would care. Breathing deeply, he opened the door. 

     The inside was pitch black. Ezra sensed beings lurking in the shadows, but none of them showed themselves. Apprehension clenched him in its grip, but he swallowed his resolve. ''Gruffe!'' he called into the darkness. Remembering the code, he shouted, ''I believe you've dropped a couple credits!'' 

     Two Gotals stepped out of the night in front of him, bearing electrostaffs. In front of them was a Besalisk, fur bristling with anger. Ezra knew he was dead. Gruffe bore a blaster to prove it. Surprisingly, the Besalisk grinned widely, spreading all four arms in friendship. ''I recognize those blue locks!'' he commented, pulling Ezra into an uncomfortable embrace. ''Ezra, my boy, it's good to see you after all these years!''

     Crossing his arms, Ezra smirked in conviction. ''I think I know the reason you're happy to see me,'' he began. ''You want paid. I can't.''

     ''After I helped you?'' Gruffe questioned in disbelief. ''My boy, I told you to come back with my payment!'' He shrugged, causing Ezra to worry. ''Oh, that's just fine. My payment has changed.'' Two Gamorreans stepped out into the light brandishing electrostaffs. Ezra stepped back, arms raised in surrender. ''I want blood.'' 

     Suddenly, without warning, Ezra felt something jab into his neck. An electrostaff. He convulsed, crying out, as the blue energy poured into him. Everything started to sway, and Ezra fell to his knees. The last thing he felt in consciousness was the sensation of being grabbed from behind. 

     A dark alley. The trail led here. A trail of nervousness. It grew stronger, overwhelming, at a door. Of course. Where else would Kanan find his wayward apprentice?

     Stepping forward uneasily, Kanan figured that it would have been smart to bring someone with him. But, of course, he didn't. Knowing what might lie ahead, he opened the door.

     Instantly, stepping in, shadows engulfed him. ''Hello?'' he shouted, looking around. He used his senses to prod the area, then used the Force. Beings surrounded him, but he had to look like he knew what he was doing. He also felt a familiar presence. Ezra. ''I'm looking for my son!'' 

     An Ithorian wielding an electrostaff stepped out into Kanan's view, pointing the weapon at the Jedi. He had to keep it cool. No weapons. He was surrounded; they'd just bring him down. Then who knew what they'd do to his ''son''. 

     ''Follow me,'' growled the Ithorian, thrusting the electrostaff into Kanan's face. He took a step back, holding his hands up in surrender. The Ithorian turned, and a Trandoshan stepped behind him, also bearing an electrostaff. He guessed it was the weapon of choice. Good choice.

     The Ithorian led Kanan into a dimly lit room. The light came from an interdiction field, and as Kanan looked, he realized that the interdiction field held Ezra. His hands and feet were bound with stun cuffs, and when he caught eye of his Master, he drew in a sharp breath. Kanan only sent a touch of reassurance through the Force, telling his student to stay strong. Then he faced ahead.

     A Besalisk stood up, gesturing to Kanan. Two Gotals followed closely, presumably his guards. The being growled, ''Who is this?''

     ''Adult human male, looking for his son,'' the Ithorian responded promptly. 

     The Besalisk rubbed his chin. ''That's interesting. I was told that he was an orphan.'' Kanan didn't say a word, only clenched his jaw. He'd say that he was an adopted father. It could be pulled off. 

     ''I adopted him,'' Kanan explained. ''He is my son, and I want him released. Then we will leave peaceably and not say a word.''

     Ezra growled, ''Dad!''

     ''Shut it,'' the Besalisk growled, pressing a button. There was a yelp from Ezra, but Kanan didn't turn. He only responded with a brush of encouragement. The kid fell silent, knowing that Kanan would get him out of there. Or at least try. ''Now,'' the male began, facing his guest, ''sit and we will discuss your son's release.''

     Kanan nodded. ''Very well.'' He let himself be led to a small table in which he sat down when the Besalisk sat down. 

     ''Young man, my name is Gruffe. And I run a small franchise that deals in multiple things. Well, I helped your 'son' when he was a Loth-rat. He still owes me a debt,'' Gruffe explained, intriguing Kanan. ''Don't ask me how much because this is a debt that cannot be paid in credits. This is a debt one must pay in blood.

     ''Now, my young man, this is where you factor in. You wish for your son to be released. I understand completely. The debt still needs to be paid, though. If I were to release your son, you must take his place.''

     Banging his fist against the table, Kanan stood up. ''That is nonnegotiable. I want my son. Then I will leave.'' He turned to Ezra, but a Gotal rushed at him. The being probably expected him to back down, but he executed a spin out of the way, then grabbed the electrostaff with both hands. 

     Pulling the electrostaff, Kanan twisted, kicking a foot out. When he kicked his foot out, he tripped the Gotal, ending in a fighting stance. An Ithorian, the other Gotal, and a Gammorean charged at him. He leaped over the other Gotal, executing a flip, then shoved the electrostaff into his abdomen. The being went down, unconscious.

     The Gammorean shoved his electrostaff towards Kanan's side, but he swung around with his own electrostaff, parrying the blow and knocking the staff out of the being's hands. He, too, went down. Then the Jedi turned to the Ithorian, fighting stance. He leaped off the floor, spinning mid-air, then overshot his target by mere inches. He did this on purpose, twisting to block the Ithorian's blow. 

     Behind him, Kanan felt a being rush at him. A Geonosian. He kicked the Ithorian hard, knocking him back a meter. While he was stumbling, the Jedi used the Force to throw him into the Geonosian, knocking them both down. While doing this, however, he failed to sense the Besalisk behind him. 

     Gruffe grabbed Kanan's wrist, twisting it. He dropped the electrostaff, and the Besalisk pinned his hand painfully behind his back. Then Gruffe grabbed the electrostaff, jamming it into his neck. He cried out as the electric energy passed through him, sizzling cells and weakening his spirit. Yet as things swayed, the Jedi kept his consciousness, stumbling back into the grip of a Gotal, which jammed his own electrostaff into the small of Kanan's back.

     Once again, Kanan cried out, spots dancing in his vision. ''Kanan!'' Ezra screamed. Stumbling, he shook his head to try to clear his vision. He reached for his lightsaber, but the Gotal shoved his electrostaff back into Kanan's weak body. The Jedi spasmed, then fell to the ground. He didn't even feel his body hit the ground; he was already unconscious.

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