Part 11

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The Viper is a disease that attacks Force-sensitives, unleashed by the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Ezra had gotten it, Kanan helped out and ended up getting it, and both almost died. Will be referenced later.

Rebel Base, Atollon, aboard the Ghost, 2212, 3275 LY

     The pain of the bond being torn had gone away, letting Ezra sleep for a while. Even awake now, he still was tired and just wanted to sleep, but he wanted Kanan more. He looked over next to him and found the older man seemingly sleeping peacefully, but his head turned towards Ezra. ''Kanan,'' he whispered. ''Can I come over there?''

     To Ezra's gladness, Kanan whispered, ''Yes.'' Ezra climbed down off the bed, already taken the mask off when he first woke up, and tiptoed quietly to him Master, who held a hand out to him. He grabbed it, letting the older man know he was there, then climbed up onto it. Kanan scooted over, giving Ezra room to lie down, curling up in a fetal position. Like earlier when they were both semi-conscious, his Master curled protectively around Ezra, draping an arm over him. He thought the older man was asleep until he whispered, ''You know, kid, you worry me sometimes.''

     Ezra turned to regard Kanan with drowsy blue eyes and murmured, ''I could say the same about you.'' Kanan smiled, and the boy rolled back over, staring at the wall. Before he fell completely asleep, he murmured, ''Goodnight, Master.''

     ''Goodnight, Padawan,'' Kanan answered before sleep took Ezra over.

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