Part 14

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Jedi Temple, Ach-To, 1321, 3275 LY

''What is this place?'' Kanera breathed out as she walked into the stone structure, lekku swaying slightly as she looked around. This was an unfamiliar place on an unfamiliar world. Words were carved into the wall in a dialect of Basic, but as she went over to read it, there was a groan. Looking back, she saw the last of the outside light disappear.

They were stuck. From behind her, Kanera felt a light touch. It was Ezra. ''Let's keep going.'' Nodding, she followed Kanan to a circle in the middle of the stone room. Her father took a meditative position; Ezra and Kanera followed suit.

The young Twi'lek was meditating for less than a minute when Ezra's voice caused her to open her eyes. ''I see a door,'' he murmured, standing up. Kanera looked to where he was staring, but saw nothing. ''This is my path alone.''

Kanan watched Ezra walk nervously to the wall, and touch it. At last, he whispered, ''Be careful. Remember your training.'' Ezra nodded, took a step into the wall, and disappeared.

For the first time, Kanera was utterly speechless. Kanan smiled honestly at her and whispered, ''The Jedi Temples can be tricky.''

Nodding, she closed her eyes, trying to meditate, but there was a question on her mind. She decided to ask it. ''What was it like for you when you were younger, Kanan?''

The Knight looked at her, deep in thought. Eventually, he answered, ''It was different than it is now, Kanera. Everything was different.'' She closed her eyes, listening intently to him. ''People were happier. The Jedi protected everyone, keeping the Sith away from Coruscant and the rest of the galaxy. There were more Knights and Masters to teach you. You could only have one apprentice at a time, and Master chose student.''

When she opened her eyes, he was gone. She was alone in a room identical to the one they were in. ''Kanan?'' she called. ''Ezzy?'' Kanan and Hera appeared from the shadows, smiling. Ezra was beside them; he closed the distance to stand beside her.

He whispered, ''They want to make you a part of their family. They want to adopt you.''

Kanera looked away. ''I can't, Ezzy. I don't think I could love again. I don't think I could bear it.''

''I learned to love again. We aren't the only orphans.'' Ezra glanced at Kanera, who caught the hidden message.

''Kanan's an orphan?'' she whispered, disbelieving.

''He didn't know his family. Technically, yes. All of us have our stories. All of us can learn to love again if we choose to.'' Ezra's eyes had a misty look to them, almost as if he was blind. ''Kana,'' he whispered, using her nickname, ''our pasts can't change. Our futures can.''

''My parents were killed in front of me when I was ten,'' she growled, ''and then I was sold into slavery for two years. I don't want anything like that to happen again.''

''It won't,'' Ezra murmured, almost in a promise. Kanera nodded.

She then turned to Kanan and Hera, murmuring, ''I am Kanera Reybel Syndulla-Jarrus now. Daughter of Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla. Member of the Syndulla house.''

Ezra blinked his eyes, adjusting to the new light. He saw Kanan, Ahsoka,, it couldn't be. But it was. The last person he'd want to see in the last place he'd want to be. The Sith Temple on Malachor. And the last person was Maul.

''Where's Ezra?'' Kanan growled. His teal eyes shined with the light from the Temple. Ezra flushed when he heard the slight worry in his Master's voice.

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