Part 3

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Aboard the Ghost, hyperspace, 0101, 3273 LY

    Kanan couldn't keep himself from Ezra, from the medbay. He tried meditating, but something in him kept nagging him to be with the kid. That something resided deep within him, an instinct he never had before. As a...father stayed with his son.

     Impossible! Kanan didn't have that instinct, never developed it. Perhaps it was just a Master wishes to stay with their Padawan. How much did it let him go? To tell him to run? How much had it hurt to admit you couldn't protect your student, the one who depended on you the most?

     How much would it hurt Kanan to have the same predicament? To want to protect Ezra, but can't because he wasn't strong enough? He wasn't strong enough. He ran away. Would he run away again if he was in that position? Or would he stay and fight?

     ''Love, what is it?'' Hera's voice brought him back to the present, and out of his thoughts. ''You should be getting some sleep. It's late.''

     The Jedi crossed the room, sitting down on the bed beside Ezra. ''I know,'' he muttered. ''Something inside me couldn't stay away. It hurt to be away.''

     Hera looked thoughtful as she implied, ''Perhaps it's your bond with him. When you train him, you two got closer. When you got closer, the bond began to form. The bond is keeping you close to him. Perhaps he needs you.''

     Seeing the sense in the Twi'lek's soft words, Kanan nodded dumbly. Hera stood, exiting the room. He glanced at his Padawan, whose head lolled to the other side. He hovered his hand over the boy's chest, and the child murmured softly. 

     Ezra's hands clenched, then unclenched. Kanan murmured softly, soothingly, and his Padawan sighed deeply, returning into the bliss of a deep sleep. Staring at the peaceful kid, Kanan couldn't help but smile. Everything would be okay. It had to be. He would teach Ezra, and the kid would be a better Jedi than his Master would ever be. Everything would turn out fine. 

Is this okay? I need ideas for season one missions they can go on off-screen. Thanks!

-Fulcrum, signing off

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