Part 6

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Imperial base, Wayland, 1307, 3274 LY

As she opened her eyes, Sabine became aware of endless streaks of light. Her vision was too disoriented to make thing out, but she could hear decently enough. There was the sound of blasterfire, and the sound of something that brought her comfort. A lightsaber. Ezra.

When her sight became more clear, however, her blood became cold. All around her lied the bodies of slashed, stabbed, or shot stormtroopers. Yet many more were alive and pouring onto a lightsaber-wielding male who disposed of more and more each second. When she got a semi-clear view of the Jedi, her blood turned to ice, and the color drained out of her face. It was Kanan. And he was ticked.

More than ticked. But at what? Sabine watched as Kanan leaped into the air, covering himself. Then he exposed his whole body in an explosive movement, and Sabine had to duck to not be blasted back by the wind. The bucketheads weren't as smart.

Looking to her left, Sabine saw what ticked Kanan off. Ezra lied still, eyes closed, skin relieved off all color save the color of ash. She looked to his chest for the faint rise and fall, but there was none. While she was searching for movement, she spotted a discoloring on the right side of his chest and on his right side between his ribs and hip. Blood. He had been shot.

Sabine crawled over to Ezra, grabbing his wrist. She sighed with relief as she found a weak, but thrumming pulse. ''Hold on, Ezra,'' she whispered, turning to Kanan. The Jedi Knight had extinguished his lightsaber and caught eye of Sabine and Ezra. ''Kanan, go get bandages from the Phantom!''

Now Sabine was grateful that they had put an emergency medpack in the Phantom. They were going to need it. ''Hold on,'' she pleaded to the unconscious and dying kid in front of her. As if he could hear her. She pulled off his vest, then tore his shirt in half. Indeed, there were two blood-red spots on him. One was bleeding, the other wasn't.

Kanan returned faster than Sabine imagined anyone could run. With him was the entire medpack, but in his hand were bandages. Wordlessly, he gave them to her, and she went to work, applying pressure to the chest wound to stop the bleeding. Then she messily wrapped it up. Cleaning the wound and addressing it properly would be later. Right now, she was trying to save a life.

A person she hadn't expected to show up was Zeb. The Lasat growled, ''What can I do?''

''Pick him up carefully and get him to the Phantom. Kanan, go prep the ship please,'' Sabine ordered. Kanan nodded, then took off at an unnatural speed. Zeb looped his arms underneath Ezra's neck and knees, then lifted him gently as to not jostle him too much. Then both ran for the Phantom.

Once aboard the Phantom, Sabine had Kanan and Zeb sit with Ezra to keep him steady. ''Phantom to Ghost,'' Sabine paged as the ship climbed from the blue skies to the endless starscape. ''We've got an issue on board. As soon as we board, get us in hyperspace. Then meet us in the medbay.''

''Copy that, Phantom,'' Hera's voice replied, sounding worried and confused. Sabine coaxed the Phantom to go a little faster as she maneuvered it into its docking position, pulling the wings in. She felt the familiar jolt as the ship made the jump to hyperspace.

Zeb carried Ezra to the medbay, feeling their time ticking. She checked Ezra's pulse before Zeb went into the medbay. Faint. Barely any pulse at all. As Hera came running down not too much longer, Sabine whispered, ''Chest and side wound. He might not make it.''

Kanan couldn't believe what he had done. He had killed so many. He had acted out of anger. No, not anger. Rage. Rage over his dying Padawan. He had broken the Jedi Code.

''What now?'' he asked no one in particular. Despair clouded his thinking, his reason, his...everything. It's been years since he had felt so sick of himself. He didn't like it. It brought thoughts to his mind. Thoughts he never wanted to contemplate, dwell on.

Sabine surprised him by murmuring, ''Only time will tell.''

Yes, lovelies, he does live. Just to go to ''Always Two There Are''. Preview of what is to come in the AU.

Kanera watched a a tear glisten a path down Ezra's fair-skinned skin that was paling quickly. The tear quickly froze over as Ezra used a stiffening hand to shut the doors. The last view Kanera had of Ezra was one she'd never forget. The blue-skinned Twi'lek watched as Ezra smiled sadly, his skin crystallizing over in what she realized was the ''cold, dark, and lonely'' from her poem. The one she must have wrote using the Force. She screamed with rage and grief as the door shut for a final time to her older brother's hand. Ezra Bridger was gone.

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