Part 17

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Takodana, 1333, 3275 LY

''Are you sure?'' Hera asked, expression concerned.

The hologram of Sato replied, ''Yes, Captain. Do you wish to return now?''

The Twi'lek pilot and captain of the Ghost thought for a moment. Then she shook her head. ''We need more time. Kanera and Kanan aren't taking what happened to Ezra well. And we can't be sure that what you're doing will work.'' A pause. ''Keep me posted. If it does work, let me know. Then we'll return.''

''Very well.'' He rubbed his chin. ''It could take days. Weeks, months even. There's no telling. I will inform you of changes. See you later, Captain Syndulla. Sato, out.'' The hologram shut off. Hera sat back, rubbing her face. It could work, what Sato's doing could work. If it doesn't, no one but her and Sato would know.

Hera jolted up with surprise as the automatic door opened, revealing her daughter and her love. Kanan had his hands on Kanera's shoulders, and the two seemed happier than they were. Almost on the brink of smiling. She commented, ''I guess you two talked it out, huh?''

For the first time since Ezra was lost, Kanan grinned. And if he had grinned before, she hadn't seen it. She couldn't help but smile back. They were healing. Finally healing. Perhaps they could go back sooner than she thought.

A ten-year-old boy sat on the ground, glaring at the crew of the Ghost. They had decided to go into town for supplies, and had found the kid at a street corner. Kanan sensed fear in the boy's aura, directed at them. ''Who are you?'' he growled, talking to all of the beings there.

Perhaps they were crowding him. Too many people could be frightening. Or maybe it was something else. Dimly, Kanan remembered a time where he had felt that way. Kasmir. When they first met, Kanan was afraid that Kasmir was going to kill him because he was ''a baby Jedi''.

Kana tried to stop him, but Kanan shrugged her off as he stepped forward. ''My name is Kanan,'' he introduced. ''This is Kanera, Hera, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper. Don't be afraid of us. We're not going to hurt you.''

''Why?'' the kid asked. ''Everyone else does. They use me, then throw me away because I'm an orphan and I'm blind.''

''So am I,'' Kanan backfired. From the kid's aura came surprise.

Hera whispered, ''He looks just like you with a touch of Ezra in personality and me in eye color.'' Kanan put his head down. He had a touch of Ezra in his personality and Ezra was a lot like Kanan. That was just lovely. To the boy, Hera inquired, ''What's your name?''

''Caleb.'' Kanan gasped. The kid, Caleb, was too much like him. Too much.

Kanera spoke to Kanan using the Force. Are you going to adopt him?

It's up to Hera, Kanan replied with a frown. Sometimes he swore Hera had a touch of the Force because she looked at him as if she knew what they were talking about.

Please don't replace Ezra.

The Knight looked at his daughter, shocked. No one can replace Ezra. Trust me. Kanera nodded. Kanan looked at Hera knowing what she was thinking only because he's known her for so long. He nodded. She turned to Caleb, a twinkle in her eyes. ''Welcome to the family, Caleb.'' Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper all smiled or beeped their approval.

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