Bounded for Destruction

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Rebel base, Atollon, 0822, 3276 LY

     To Caleb's joy, Snow had joined them. He found her talking to his father, and went to join them. She murmured low, ''It's going to happen whether you like it or not. Friends in peril will be lost.'' Her matter-of-fact tone chilled his blood.

     Kanan made no outward reaction, but he sensed Caleb and turned to his son. ''Hey, Caleb. Tell Ezra and Kana that you three have a mission near Scarif. You're to get a hold of a supply shipment there. May the Force be with you.'' He sensed Snow shake her head, but she said nothing. 

     Sensing the area, he found Kana and Ezra talking. Caleb hurried over to them, informing them of what information he got. Kanera nodded, and the three made their way to the Phantom. Caleb took a seat in the passenger area; Ezra followed suit. Kana made her way to the controls, commencing the start-up sequence. 

     The wings folded up as they lifted from the rebel base on Atollon to their new mission. Near Scarif, intercept a supply transport. From there, get the supplies to Phoenix Squadron. Get home safely. Easy. Yet Snow's ominous warning clouded Caleb's mind as Kanera punched it. Friends in peril will be lost. But who?

     In the cold, dark vacuum of space, a small ship emerged from hyperspace. In the ship were two human males and a blue-skinned Twi'lek. As scheduled, a supply transport emerged from hyperspace at the correct coordinates sent to them by a Fulcrum. Whereas the small crew of the small ship, the Phantom, thought there'd be a few Imperial shuttles guarding the transport. No. It was a Star Destroyer and multiple TIEs. 

     Apparently, the Imperials had been tipped off as well. Kanera banked sharply to the right as the TIEs descended on them. She executed a barrel roll evading blasterfire, where to go informed by the Force. It was a dogfight in the stars, but they were outnumbered. Eventually, the Phantom was disabled. Ezra muttered a curse under his breath, grabbing his blaster and his lightsaber. Kana and Caleb grabbed their lightsabers as well.

     The door opened. Ezra began firing his blaster. Lightsabers ignited, blocking the returned blasterfire. Dozens of stormtroopers were firing, and only a third of them were dropping. Green, orange, and yellow stood to each other's backs, blocking the green bolts erupting from the enemy's blasters.

     The blasts died down. Ezra growled in Caleb's mind: The new Inquisitor. He's here and on his way. Fight as long as you can. Caleb nodded and he sensed Kanera nod as well. A male presence entered the room. Lightsabers went up. Four red, two amethyst. Six lightsabers in all. As the Padawans descended on him, he growled, ''Now a real fight.'' 

     Ezra reached the Inquisitor first, swinging his emerald blade at the Corellian. He had to duck as the Third Brother came around with his lightsabers. Kanera came from the side, kicking out. It was a hoax, as she flipped mid-air over his head. She barely landed on her feet before she spun around and swung her lightsaber upwards. 

     In the middle of Kana's attack, Caleb ran at the Inquisitor. Push me! he called to Ezra. The older male nodded once, using the Force to throw Caleb at the Third Brother. Caleb barrel-rolled and clashed lightsabers with him as Kanera swung upwards. Ezra leaped up and swung down at the same time. The three of them tried to overwhelm the Corellian.

     It didn't work. He disarmed Kanera, then Force-pushed her into the wall a few meters away. She landed in an unconscious heap. He slashed his lightsabers at Caleb. The kid couldn't block them all, and got knocked down by a cut to the face. As he looked, he watched Ezra try to fight alone, but the kid got knocked down. 

     ''This is over, Jedi. You've lost, though you made it interesting. You're the strongest one of the three of you.'' The Corellian grinned; Caleb sensed it. Then he remembered Snow's warning. They were the ones in peril. And they were dead.

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