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Capital City, Lothal, 1543, 3276 LY

     ''Two orphans, both blind!'' Gruffe exclaimed, laughing. ''And you actually kicked me!'' He squinted his eyes, frowning. ''I recognize you. You''re the student of that Jedi!'' 

     Caleb felt Ezra smirk. Get ready to run, he told Caleb. ''Lucky guess,'' Ezra growled, activating his green lightsaber. ''And you're right.'' Before Gruffe could react, the blind teenager leaped into the air with Force speed, kicking the Besalisk in the face. Run, Caleb! 

     In the heat of the moment, Caleb ran using Force speed. Seconds later, he realized that Ezra wasn't following. Ezra, the boy his father mourned for weeks. His father's student, the Jedi's first student. Ezra, the kid that went from a thief to a sacrificial Jedi. Ezra, the strongest of them all. Turning around, Caleb ran, activating his lightsaber. 

     The blazing pale yellow blade was comforting as Caleb ran back to help his friend, a brother in arms. Sensing the area, he found Ezra trying to block blasterfire from multiple people. He was tiring, and he needed help. Caleb increased his speed, leaping into the air to block blasterbolts as he shot straight to a Gotal. He blocked another blasterbolt as he flipped himself forward, taking the Gotal's head between his feet. When he had flipped himself forward again and landed, he had flipped the Gotal on the ground.

     The Gotal, lying on his stomach, didn't move as Caleb ran to the nearest being and cut their weapon, vaulting over them to the next being, whom he knocked out with a well-placed roundhouse kick. His feet barely touched the ground when he was rushing the next person. By this time, Ezra ad snapped out of his initial shock, and had joined the ten-year-old kid who looked so much like Kanan. 

     They stood back-to-back, sensing each other's moves before they even made them. They sensed the moves of the people all around them, blocking blasterfire. Now! Caleb yelled, leaping at a being and cutting their arm off accidentally. He slipped easily to the next person, spinning to avoid a blast and slicing their blaster, kicking them in the chest full-force.

     Beings lied around the two kids, most moaning in pain. One being still stood, terrified. Gruffe. Ezra told Caleb telepathically, Thanks for coming Caleb smiled. Ezra growled, ''This is for the pain of everyone.'' A scream was abruptly cut short. Caleb knew that Ezra had killed Gruffe. He was just glad he didn't see it.

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