Part 21

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Rebel base, Atollon, 1635, 3276 LY

Tears streamed down Kanera's cheek as she walked slowly down the boarding ramp, as if in a daze. It couldn't be Ezra. The boy with short blue hair and electric blue eyes standing in front of her couldn't be Ezra. The boy with the scars on his left cheek and the Force signature lost nine months ago couldn't be Ezra. Hera spoke of ''Delta''. Maybe that's who this was.

Sabine walked past Kana, then ran to Ezra, hugging him. The sixteen-year-old's eyes widened in surprise, and that's when Kana noticed it. A small flaw, slightly out of place, that made him seem like someone else. His eyes. A slight paleness. Probably the light.

''How?'' she asked instead. Commander Sato came up beside Ezra, putting a gentle yet firm hand on his shoulder. ''We were in space. I-I blamed myself after I watched you die. I-I-I left you.'' She began to sob.

''I can explain everything,'' Sato began. ''I told Captain Syndulla that my patrol had found something. That something was Ezra, well, his body. It had frozen, but he was there. I ordered his return. We thawed his body, then got his heart to start beating. He was in a coma for over eight months.''

At that, everyone's jaws dropped, including Ezra's. Kanera was surprised. She thought Ezra knew, but apparently he didn't. The teen stuttered, ''H-How? It felt like five minutes!''

Sato continued, ''And, well, here he is. Alive and well.'' Kanera noticed in her peripheral vision that Kanan had tensed, as had Caleb. Ezra started looking around as if he couldn't find something. That was an oddity. Something was amiss, something was off. Kana couldn't place it, but Ezra wasn't completely fine.

He looked like the boy who died in front of her eyes nine months ago. Same scar, same clothes, same smirk. Skin was almost same color, but a little paler. Perhaps that's what was nagging her. A slight paleness to Ezra himself. Could have been the light or an effect from his ''death''.

Sato nudged Ezra, and the teen refocused his gaze straight on Kanera. The teen-aged Twi'lek began to sob, tears flowing down her face that she couldn't control. Balling her fists, she internally beat herself. Part of her wanted to kill Ezra just because he left her. The other part of her wanted to run up, hug him, and never let him go. Sato muttered, ''Tell them.''

Kanera's curiosity was pricked. What now? Who else had secrets to hide? She looked at everyone else, but they seemed just as curious and confused as her. Ezra rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous habit all the Jedi seemed to share. He looked straight at Kanan, his Master, and muttered so low it was barely audible: ''I know how you feel, Kanan. You too, Caleb.'' He took a deep, shuddering breath. ''When I died out there in space, something went wrong. I, I-I'm blind.''

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