Part 10

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This chapter as well as the next chapter are directly taken from Star Wars Rebels: In The Two Years. Check it out!

Rebel Fleet, aboard the Ghost, 1234, 3275 LY

     Zeb, one of the last Lasat remaining, walked into Kanan Jarrus' room. Kanan knew this because of the swish of the door and the tension he brought to the air. Kanan raised an eyebrow curiously, but Zeb hadn't seen it. Something was wrong, and knowing things lately, it had to do with Ezra. ''Kanan?''

     The Knight nodded, cocking his head. Zeb continued, ''Ezra locked himself in our room. I can't get in.'' Kanan sighed; of course he was right. Of course it was Ezra. ''I think something's wrong. I heard sniffling.''

     Of course, this got Kanan's attention. He stood up, turning toward Zeb, walking quickly to the door. If it's Ezra, and he's crying, something's definitely wrong. Terribly wrong if it has to do with Ezra. This made him walk faster in fear for the boy he loved as a son. Stopping at Ezra's door, Kanan knocked on it. ''Ezra,'' he called.

     Ezra answered, ''Go away, Kanan. Please.'' Kanan exchanged a baffled look with Zeb, who shrugged in return. If Ezra wanted him to go away, he was deeply upset about something. ''You don't want to see what I have become.'' That set off warning bells in his mind, and his stomach dropped. This was bad, real bad. He sensed anguish, guilt, fear, and anger coming from Ezra. ''I don't want to see what I've done.''

     ''Ezra, Ezra open this door now,'' Kanan called. He punched in the door code, but it didn't open. ''Zeb, open the door.'' Zeb attempted to with brute strength, but the door wouldn't budge. He sensed Ezra using the Force to hold it shut. Shaking his head, he pounded on the door. ''Ezra!'' he yelled, but there was no answer. Muttering a curse, he pulled out his lightsaber. Hera will kill him for this.

     Suddenly, before Kanan plunged the blue blade into the door, there was a sniffle, and Ezra answered, ''I can't do this anymore, Kanan.'' Things were escalating quickly, and it was taking a turn for the worst. ''Thank you for teaching me and taking a worthless street rat like me in. But I can't handle this anymore, I hate what I've done, what I've become. I hate what's happened to you.'' Another sniffle.

     ''Karabast,'' Zeb muttered from behind him. Ezra was down-spiraling quickly into a pit of despair, one Kanan was afraid he couldn't save his Padawan from. That was what worried him. He wanted Ezra to accept his help, to realize he's not alone. He wanted his Padawan to realize that he was there, and he would be all the way. The problem was Ezra taking his hand and letting Kanan help him.

     Kanan called again, ''Ezra, we can work this out. It doesn't have to come to this. I'm here for you, I will be here for you. We can go through this together. You're one of the toughest people I know, and you're not worthless; you're far from it. Open the door, and I can help you.'' Yes, he was pleading. Yes, he hoped Ezra opened the door. And yes, he was saying nothing but the truth. ''I don't blame you for any of this. None of it whatsoever.''

     ''Kanan, you're wrong,'' Ezra growled. ''I'm not strong enough. I've fought my demons for as long as I could, but even fighting them with you won't help. Soon, they'll wear you out and drown you. I can't let that happen to you, too. I have to stop this. I'm sorry.''

     Realization dawned on Kanan, and his face fell. With a yell, he plunged his lightsaber into the door, creating a circle as fast as he could into the material. He had to go as fast as he could before Ezra did something terrible. He used the Force to push the circle out of the door, then he used the Force to see into the room. He saw Ezra's form with his vest off and a utility knife in his hands.

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